Competition, Jealousy And Goals

Written by Jeffrey Rolo

Continued from page 1

Onrepparttar flip side, Mary recognizes that Trump is a savvy businessman that has made his fortunes via real estate. Sure, he might have had a head start withrepparttar 128604 properties inherited by his father, but anyone with enough determination and vision could potentially learnrepparttar 128605 real estate market and take their own slice ofrepparttar 128606 pie. She is embracing her competitive spirit – she wants what Trump has and she's going to do her best to stake her own claim.

The above examples are highly exaggerated and quite frankly unrealistic for most of us – as much as we'd like to become a billionaire, it's just not going to be inrepparttar 128607 cards. But that isn't to say we cannot become very wealthy and even hit millionaire status if that is our goal – all it takes is a lot of hard work, determination and a healthy sense of competition.

Most of us would like something that another person has, and while religions and society have trained us to reject such feelings, they aren't inherently bad. If you allow your desires to turn into jealousy and envy then yes, you are walking down a bitter and self-destructive path, but if you instead convert your desires into an honest plan to match their achievements then you're embracing your competitive spirit.

So reach for your desires. Embrace and nurture your inner competitive spirit such that it bubbles up and guides your actions each and every day. Competition is a wonderful motivator, and few ofrepparttar 128608 world's "elite" businessmen and individuals would have accomplished their goals and achievements without a strong competitive spirit.

Copyright 2005 Goals and

Jeffrey Rolo is an experienced human resources manager, business owner and also the owner of Goals and, a website offering a free 20+ page guide on goal setting. Visit to view this guide as well as other articles about goals and management.


Written by Wael El-Manzalawy

Continued from page 1

This Grace and mercy from Allah Al-Mighty is true forrepparttar believers in life and inrepparttar 128603 day after. The heaven isrepparttar 128604 endless grace and mercy. It is not only a spiritual heaven butrepparttar 128605 materialistic pleasures are innumerable there. Equally, in our life Islam does not forbid materialistic pleasures, but Islam is a unit of enjoying our lives and, more important, obeying our God and Creator. Thus, without Islam there can never be a balance and harmony betweenrepparttar 128606 soul andrepparttar 128607 body. Who do not believe in that can do a comparison between Islam and other doctrines andrepparttar 128608 result is undoubtable

Egyptian writer

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