Compassion and Plenty

Written by Michelle Jacobson

Continued from page 1

God Showed 'Plenty'.

Jesus told them to go pick uprepparttar remains. There picked up 12 baskets full!

That itself is a miracle yet we don’t always realize what that means. Yes, Jesus sawrepparttar 123229 needs ofrepparttar 123230 people but didn’t get bogged down in it. He didn’t sit down and dwell on it. He didn’t start whining or bawling.

Instead of seeingrepparttar 123231 lack Jesus sawrepparttar 123232 plenty. He saw how a little would become much.

What Are We To Do With This Info?

We too should focus on God and what can be done in our lives. We too should focus onrepparttar 123233 reality that all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27). We too should focus onrepparttar 123234 reality that all things are possible torepparttar 123235 person that believes (Mark 9:23).

Do not think aboutrepparttar 123236 lack!

Realizerepparttar 123237 overabundance always!

This continued perceptive will indeed change your attitude and your life forrepparttar 123238 better!

Copyright 2005, SeedMinistries

Feel free to distribute this article if it is kept as is, includingrepparttar 123239 Resource Box atrepparttar 123240 bottom.

Notification of online use is not required, but I would appreciate it. Please contactrepparttar 123241 author prior to use in printed media.

-Michelle Jacobson,

Michelle Jacobson is the author and webmaster at -where you can get BibleLearningPlus+ word search puzzle ebooks and more!

How To Pray

Written by Wilma Melendez

Continued from page 1

8)Ask for Blessings. Pray for other people: God bless me with all kind of spiritual blessing and physical blessings. Bless my family, my co – workers, my manager, my customers, and my suppliers. Even ask God to bless blessrepparttar people in your family that are hard to love,repparttar 105785 difficult people in your life, and your enemies.

9)Do spiritual battle (for advanced prayer only). “God please take away from my life and from my family all that does not come from God. God please rebuke and tie uprepparttar 105786 enemy, make him leave our lives for ever and fill us with your Holy Spirit. Let your spirit come upon me and my loved ones and use us for your purpose.”

10)Pray for your country and forrepparttar 105787 world. “God please help our country to do your will. Give wisdom to our leaders and torepparttar 105788 leaders ofrepparttar 105789 entire world. Let there be peace on Jerusalem. “God cancel Satan’s plans for humanity and forrepparttar 105790 world.”

11)Ask in God’s will. “But let not my will be done but your will, oh God. May I desire only God’s will for my life. Let your Holy Spirit pray for me Lord, because I do not know best what to pray. ”

12)Pray is Jesus’ name. “In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen”. This isrepparttar 105791 most important phrase in your prayer.

13)Thank God only and Jesus, for listening to your prayer. “God I thank you because I know that you will answer my prayer giving me what I want or something better according to your wisdom.”

Biblical References:

#1Matthew 6:19-13 2 Corinthians 6:18 2 Peter 1:17 Psalm 138:2 #2Romans 1:8 1Thessalonians 5:18 John 11:42 #3Lucas 11:9 #4Matthew 3:33 1 Corinthians 11:1 Ephesians4:1 #5Colossians 3:15 Psalms 139:1-4 Matthew 25:20-23 Ephesians 1:17 James 1:5 #6John 15:7 Marc 9:23-24 Ephesians 3:17 Acts 4:11-12 #71 John 1:9 Romans 10:9 Marc 11:22-26 #8Matthew 5:44 Romans 5:10 #9Matthew 10:1 #101 Timothy 5:17 Psalms 122:6 (“God cancel all of Satan’s plans for humanity” is from Brother and Evangelist Yiye Avila’s magazine). #11Lucas 22:42 Romans 8:26 #12John 14:13-14 #131 Thessalosians 5:18

Wilma Melendez has been a born again Christian for 18 years. She attends El Sendero de La Cruz Christian Church in Puerto Rico and is a counseling student of their Theological Seminary. She studies the Bible auto didactically using books from her online Christian bookstore:

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