Compartments Of The Mind.

Written by by Michael Levy.

Continued from page 1

So, I think you will agree, keeping a ‘cool-head' when all around you are ‘heating-up' is no easy task in a three dimensional world. Actually, if we viewrepparttar three dimensional world as our only world, it is impossible to keep our minds balanced and clear at all times. Sooner or later we will become enmeshed in allrepparttar 129563 media hype and hooked onto an erroneous lifestyle.

Happily, for humanity,repparttar 129564 third dimensional world is only a minor part of a much bigger picture. When our thoughts-detector is directed to a superb well of information, that is infinite in scope and eternal in source, then we are no longer atrepparttar 129565 mercy of our intellectual department-faculty within our minds. This gives us freedom ofrepparttar 129566 mind. We begin to understand, we can control our emotions and feelings by havingrepparttar 129567 natural power to process what thoughts we allow our minds to project.

New creative thoughts overtake pre-consigned stale thoughts and old conditioning is replaced with new fresh invigorating visions that take center stage. This allows us to enact a performance of a lifetime on earth, reverberating in generic blissfulness.

Mary, Mary, now becomes a contrarian on a blissful journey. How does her organic garden grow? It develops in a most delightful display of illuminating neurons that transmit good health to every cell inrepparttar 129568 body and mind. It cultivates a oneness with every plant, ocean, mountain and life composition. It matures centered and well balanced at a Hippocampus foundation

An opus, collected in a pure essence of truth, filters in every compartment ofrepparttar 129569 organic mind. Where there was darkness, light shines... Where there was obscurity, luminosity beams.... Where there was blindness, clear sightedness reflects authentic visions.

The whole organic mind has come-alive and bright. The intellectual brain understands it has been formed to celebrate life. It travels onrepparttar 129570 highway of joyous textures and loving tones. It surrenders torepparttar 129571 orchestration of life that has been composed by a master artist.

New windows of opportunity open asrepparttar 129572 mind rewires itself and tunes intorepparttar 129573 melodies withinrepparttar 129574 cosmic blueprint of time and space....

Yes in-deed,repparttar 129575 garden ofrepparttar 129576 human organic mind ripens with many golden belles and delightful innovative shells, set up in a transcendent lifetime show. © All rights Reserved

Michael Levy is the author of four books. The latest is "Invest With A Genius" Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, Journals and Magazines. He is a renowned guest speaker on Finance, Wellness and Inspiration.

Michael's web site in ranked number one/two in the world out of 1,800,000 web sites when "Inspirational books" are the search words in Google search engine.

How To Overcome Procrastination Quickly And Easily

Written by Peter Murphy

Continued from page 1

It is more important to begin.

Do your best and make corrections later on. By adopting this outlook you will get something done and you can enlistrepparttar help of others to advise you and give feedback. Then improve your work after you have finished your first effort. This will help you to get motivated.

3. Compete Against Yourself

When you compete against othersrepparttar 129560 possibility of failure can stop you from even trying. It is far better to compete against your previous best performance. Comparerepparttar 129561 quality of your work with your usual standards and aim to match or beat that standard. This approach puts you back in control and allows you to succeed on your own terms.

Obviously your personal standards must meet or exceed those ofrepparttar 129562 people who are relying on your work.

To sum up. You can beat procrastination with a few minor shifts in how you think about success and achievement. Forrepparttar 129563 sake of learning a new way of thinking about your work you can enjoy greater success and leaverepparttar 129564 anxiety of procrastination behind forever. The time to overcome procrastination, get motivated and beat procrastination forever has arrived!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

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