Comparing Corporate and Personal goal attainment programs that have developed over thousands of years with modern day programs.

Written by Dr. Jason W. Armstrong

Continued from page 1

Partners, Competition and Internal Efficiency: Managing conflict in a modern organization has an amazing number of ties torepparttar central themes of Zen,repparttar 134950 “Art of War” andrepparttar 134951 book of change (Tao de Ching).They are all about understanding yourself, your organization, your strengths, weaknesses and synergizing with others to achieve positive outcomes. Collectively these things have a direct correlation to an annual company S.W.O.T review (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). Furthermore, these attributes and approaches mimic an employee’s annual performance review. In Applied Zen workshops we go through approaches to company S.W.O.T. which include: company self analysis, analyzingrepparttar 134952 competition, and partnering for best case strategic outcomes.

Allrepparttar 134953 above methods (old and new) are about changing base behavior, beliefs and approaches. These are core values, and are far more important than putting band-aids on problems, or approaching things with simply a behavior change. In regard torepparttar 134954 ancient philosophies, they of course must be interpreted, and applied, using case studies in a context that matchesrepparttar 134955 modern corporate world – butrepparttar 134956 lessons are most definitely there!

Continuing to train ones skills and undergo development both in-house and outside your company is essential.

Asrepparttar 134957 ancient samurai saying says: “Continually sharpenrepparttar 134958 sword or it will go blunt!”

By Jason Armstrong, Ph.D. Copyright 2005.

Dr Jason Armstrong has worked at Corporate CEO levels in Japan, the USA and Australia. He has studied Sun Tzu's Art of War for 20+yrs. He was educated to Ph.D. level in the USA and his career has spanned the biotech and software industries. Companies he has worked for include multinationals like AMGEN, Mitsubishi Pharmaceutical, Zymark (Caliper), and CM Capital - a Venture Capital firm.

Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 2)

Written by steve renner

Continued from page 1

* SMALL SUPPLY - We recommend U.S. Rare Coins ofrepparttar highest quality forrepparttar 134899 date that you can afford. These are alwaysrepparttar 134900 hardest to find, most desirable collector coins and have historically been top market performers. In our opinion, these coins are always in demand by collectors and will berepparttar 134901 easiest coins to liquidate later, and turnrepparttar 134902 best profits.

* STRONG PERFORMANCE HISTORY - Takerepparttar 134903 time to reviewrepparttar 134904 price history of any rare coin you purchase. Rare coins that have a good history of 200% to 300% price increases during recent bull markets, usually offer your an excellent profit potential inrepparttar 134905 next hot market. While past performance is no guarantee of future value, undesirable coins are losers in any market. It is of utmost importantance to remember that each rare coin must stand onrepparttar 134906 value of its own individual merit related to grade, price, eye appeal, and rarity.

* GENUINELY RARE - Finally, we recommend you acquire a selection of Genuinely Rare United States coins. There are fundamentally two ways to determine a coin's rarity. That is "Condition Rarity" and "Absolute Rarity." Condition Rarity is a coin that is rare in higher grades. Some coins are common in worn, circulated grades, yet there could be only five coins known to exist in higher mint-state grades of MS-63 to MS-65. Absolute Rarity is a coin that is rare in any grade. These are truly desirable gold coins that are hard to locate and acquire in all grades. These few coins that are Absolutely Rare in any grade arerepparttar 134907 "Blue Chip Recommendations" ofrepparttar 134908 U.S. Rare Coin Market.

Steve is the ceo of cashcards-goldlynks rare/gold coin club he was the best isp in 1997 check out his about us page at this article is free for distribution you can sign up for a free email course on buying and selling rare/gold coins for profit by sending email to membership of the coins club is free to join at

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