Community Branding Tip For Your MLM Business

Written by Michael Lemm

Continued from page 1

Just DON'T make it look like a big marketing gimic. The public will see right through it. Instead create an identity & branding within your community. This establishes a sense of acceptance and curiosity you can build upon by following up with contacts made during these events.

You might even makerepparttar local news as a community interest story. Nice publicity.

We have a couple groups who apply this concept very well in our annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life events. You could too.

Remember to adhere to any "rules" ofrepparttar 122450 specific event sponsor (if an event) and your particular company.

Basically....just be seen & have fun.

Makes a good team building excercise too.

Michael is Moderator for and the owner of FreedomFire Communications . You can get more MLM tips, wit, and wisdom from Michael at

....More "Scoop" On MLM Leads Programs....

Written by Michael Lemm

Continued from page 1

I'm just trying to simplify things for they can zero in onrepparttar real decisions without allrepparttar 122449 hype & confusing dialogue they get subjected to.

* The real question is HOW and for WHAT. focus with leads (and my whole business really) is product sales with "sponsoring" as more of a passive add on I don't emphasize. And yes I generate a nice income (that's my business...a real professional doesn't & shouldn't get into "how much" discussions). But my "how & what" may not be your "how & what"'s specific torepparttar 122450 individual. You can't put everyone inrepparttar 122451 same box....too often that's what people try to do. Understand...."do what is best for you". Also understand it doesn't have to be an either or can be both (self generate AND purchase).

My bottom line message...theme...on leads is this:

You have 2 methods of "getting" leads. Choose what's best for YOU. Either or both. I don't advocate 1 overrepparttar 122452 other. There's merit in whatever you long as it isrepparttar 122453 best fit for YOU.

Me....I chose both. And if asked, I share a reputable source for those who choose to have leads generated for them (hint...think Traffic Oasis LOL). Lord knows there's plenty of sources out there that are pure trash, junk, or even worse...scams.

As for self-generating your own leads....especially with custome lead capture pages....I suggest you contact my friend Carl Sorenson at MLM Lead Generation Blog and Carl is on expert on this subject and can help you apply his methods to your MLM marketing efforts.

Hope that helps provide a little clarity...and doesn't muddy things up. LOL

Michael is Moderator for and the owner of FreedomFire Communications . You can get more MLM tips, wit, and wisdom from Michael at

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