Communally Effective

Written by Ed Hirsch

Continued from page 1

Since team members representrepparttar largest investment and most valuable asset you can have in your business, I offerrepparttar 123768 following five (5) concepts that you, a leader, needs to cultivaterepparttar 123769 skills to reduce ineffectiveness:

1. Plan on it. Planning is essential for putting any idea or thought into action. Effective leaders view a plan like a blueprint--they focus onrepparttar 123770 essentials and don't get hung up on every detail. They leave room for changes and adjustments. They don't waste resources debating and arguing every specific of strategy and implementation.

2. Embrace technology. Granted, technology does turn on us every now and again, but its occasional bite is well worth it. Good leaders love technology. They're excited by it. They realize that it isrepparttar 123771 mother of essential business tools for successful implementation inrepparttar 123772 work place.

3. Try it out. Good leaders are willing to take risks. They realize that although many new ideas often fail, knowing can only come from doing.

4. Leading by example. The most effective cycle for transforming knowledge into action is hear, see, do. People learn by watching others do things right, not by being instructed how to do things by a leader who has never implemented a strategy successfully themselves.

5. Strength training. An effective leader knows and understandsrepparttar 123773 strengths of his or her team members and positions each to do what he or she does best.

"Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone."--Pablo Picasso

You and I really do have a part to play inrepparttar 123774 world. It requires individual commitment and personal (sense of ownership) responsibility.

If not now, then when? In not you, then who?

Ed Hirsch ICQ# 55939361 650-872-1024 So. San Francisco, California

The Faster You Move ...

Written by Ed Hirsch

Continued from page 1

I think its best to Pursue relationships that enable you to cultivate your own true beliefs and aspirations. It certainly makes for a great positive role model example for others to follow in.

Make friends and try to be in relationship with everyone you know ... however, watch your time and ensure that your time is used wisely, aligned with your life purpose.

Thomas Edison wrote, "Good things come to those who wait, but only what's left over from those who hustle."

Are you going to wait to get into high quality relationships in your life, ... Or are you Ready to Go For It and becomerepparttar person you truly want to be, having others in your life who feelrepparttar 123767 same way?

When you think, decide, and take action on one single idea, you are a much better person than someone who learns hundreds of ideas but who does nothing.

The faster you move;

the more experiences you have andrepparttar 123768 more lessons you learn,

the smarter and more capable you become,

the more ground you cover,

the more people you meet,

the more opportunities you discover,

the more doors open for you,

the more energy you have,

the more enthusiastic and confident you become,

the more creative and competent you become in any area,

the more you get done,

the more capable you become of doing even more.

Developrepparttar 123769 deep-down habit of action orientation.

The more you *try,*repparttar 123770 more you will *tri-umph.*

Ed Hirsch ICQ# 55939361 650-872-1024 So. San Francisco, California

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