Coming Clean: The Truth About Soap

Written by Chere Deshayes

Continued from page 1

Evidence abounds ofrepparttar healing properties of a handmade bar of soap. Those who suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as people that have sensitive skin or are hypoallergenic often find immediate relief by switching to handmade soap. Compared to store bought soap, handmade soap is very mild. They are often made from vegetable-based oils, such as olive, coconut, and palm and do not containrepparttar 114856 potentially harmful chemicals found in conventional bar soap. One ofrepparttar 114857 biggest differences between commercial soap and handmade soap is glycerine. Glycerine is a clear liquid that absorbs water fromrepparttar 114858 air and is a key factor in keeping skin soft and healthy. Glycerin soap is especially good for sensitive and delicate skin, and for children. Because it is a high quality by-product inrepparttar 114859 soap making process, many mass commercial soap manufacturers often extractrepparttar 114860 glycerine and sell it as a by-product to be used in higher priced products like lotions and skin creams.

Handmade Soap Is Good For Your Body

For adults,repparttar 114861 skin covers approximately 20 square feet ofrepparttar 114862 human body. It isrepparttar 114863 largest human organ and isrepparttar 114864 bodies first line of defense against dehydration, temperature, infection and harmful substances. Handmade soaps give your skinrepparttar 114865 care it deserves and make bathing a gentle, soothing experience.

Handmade Soap Is Good For Your Mind

For many of us today, life seems to move at an often hectic pace. Whilerepparttar 114866 stress of everyday life increases, personal time is at minimum. A fragrant, handmade bar of soap is a simple indulgence that fosters a feeling of relaxation and being pampered. Treat yourself or someone you love torepparttar 114867 benefits of handmade soap!

Chere Deshayes is the owner of Bath Plantation, a company that specializes in fine handcrafted bath and body products. Subscribe to her FREE newsletter at or visit her site at

When Your Emotions Become Like Ticking Bombs & Cause Disease

Written by Rino Soriano

Continued from page 1

The key is to know how to use this blueprint to restore your health or improve your current state of health to optimum functioning. Once you know how to tap into this cellular blueprint for perfect health, you can then heal yourself from any illness.

Divine Blueprint for Perfect Health

Let’s use an example of how this blueprint for perfect health works. Let’s say that you cut your finger. What most people are unaware of is thatrepparttar secondrepparttar 114855 cut happens, there are biological processes that start immediately to regenerate and healrepparttar 114856 wound.

Due torepparttar 114857 cellular programming in your body for perfect restoration, allrepparttar 114858 necessary processes and substances to healrepparttar 114859 wound are automatically carried out perfectly. Accordingly, after about a weekrepparttar 114860 cut is healed completely and you would never know that there ever was an injury.

Another example ofrepparttar 114861 divine perfection ofrepparttar 114862 body and how it is intelligent is when you break a bone. Here is another instance whererepparttar 114863 body starts immediately to repair and regenerate what is out of equilibrium with its divine blueprint. Again, after about 6 weeksrepparttar 114864 bone is healed completely and it is actually stronger atrepparttar 114865 point ofrepparttar 114866 break than it was before.

So from these 2 examples, it is quite clear thatrepparttar 114867 body knows exactly how to heal itself from anything that it is presented with. The question really isn’t can a person heal from a chronic illness, but rather doesrepparttar 114868 person haverepparttar 114869 correct information to use to heal themselves?

True Healing

So, how does one begin to healrepparttar 114870 emotional and mental traumas from one’s past? The secret to healing yourself on all levels of your being is to learn how to let go and forgive. Learning how to forgive yourself and allrepparttar 114871 people who you perceived as hurting you isrepparttar 114872 best remedy for any life issue whether it is a chronic disease or an unhealthy relationship with a family member or past lover.

Notice that I said perceived as someone who hurt you. The fact is, no one can ever hurt you in life. You can only allow yourself to be hurt. The mental and emotional grief that you have experienced in life was really due torepparttar 114873 perceptions that you had about each life event. The key is to learn how to change your perception in life.

I have found through personal experience that forgiveness is absolutelyrepparttar 114874 best remedy for any life issue. I know that as I began to forgiverepparttar 114875 people that I thought wronged me, my health and my life started to improve dramatically. The question I ask of any person that says they are chronically sick or has any type of health ailment is...Who isrepparttar 114876 problem?

Forgiveness can actually heal you of disease. I will say that forgiveness isrepparttar 114877 magic cure that many people in life are looking for. There are many people who carry hatred, resentment, anger and bitterness towardrepparttar 114878 people they think hurt them. These emotions set inrepparttar 114879 body and get stored overrepparttar 114880 years until they manifest as disease and other imbalances. Your emotions also get stored in your energy fields and form blockages. There are now scientific instruments that can read your energy fields (aura) and are able to tell where you have energy blockages. Based on where you have energy blocks in your aura, you will be more susceptible to acquire certain diseases.

In essence, if you could read people’s energy fields (aura), you could tell where they are blocked energetically and be able to predict what specific diseases they are more inclined to come down with.

Releasing old emotions will cause shifts in your energy fields and thus free uprepparttar 114881 energy blockages that you may have. That is why letting go of old STUFF can do wonders for your health.

I have heard of people having miraculous cures of their illness once they decided to forgive someone forrepparttar 114882 past. In fact, there are health promoting biochemical changes that happen in a person’s body when they are in a state of forgiveness.

So, how do you forgive you might be saying? Forgiveness is not some hard and complex process like many people believe. It does not take extended energy and time and requires no knowledge of how to do it. Here isrepparttar 114883 secret answer to forgiveness. Forgiveness starts with a thought. The thought of really wanting to forgiverepparttar 114884 person in question, lettingrepparttar 114885 past event go and releasingrepparttar 114886 need to be right. The rest GOD will take of as long as you are sincere in wanting to forgiverepparttar 114887 person.

That is it!! Pretty simple huh? It does work! Just do it. The sooner you do,repparttar 114888 sooner you will feel like a mountain has been lifted off of your shoulders. Not only do you free yourself but you also freerepparttar 114889 other person. Even ifrepparttar 114890 other person never finds out that you have forgiven them, they will experience a release of some kind on some level.

One bit of advice I can give is that to be able to forgive someone else, you have to forgive yourself first. The same principle applies here where you simply just let go ofrepparttar 114891 past, haverepparttar 114892 thought of forgiving yourself and release any anger or pain fromrepparttar 114893 past event.

If you can really absorbrepparttar 114894 information that follows, you will be well on your way to healing yourself from whatever illness you have and/or creating optimum health.

The Formula For Complete Healing

1) Assume Full Responsibility for your illness. No one out there can ever heal you. It is your duty to heal all levels of your being to be completely well. By educating and empowering yourself with sound holistic health knowledge, you will be well on your way to healing.

2) Commitment; doing whatever it takes to heal yourself. I would have walked torepparttar 114895 North Pole and back if I had to. Just be committed to do whatever you have to do to heal regardless of how much money and energy you have to expend.

3) Forgiveness- as explained earlier will berepparttar 114896 best medicine for your recovery.

4) Implementing a diet and environment that will support your physical health. (You will learn how to do this throughout this book.)

5) Learning how to adjust your thoughts and emotions to support long term health.

Holistic modalities and true organic supplements can help you to heal on a physical level but only when you assume full responsibility for your health and become conscious of your full being. You are a multidimensional being with a complex psyche. You need to learn how to balance your multidimensionality.

The only way one can truly heal from any disease is through healing every level of their being. One needs to look at their mind-body-spirit complex and work to heal those areas that are out of balance. Without such balance, one can never truly heal!


Rino specializes in helping chronically sick people to heal themselves and create optimum health.

Rino healed himself from chronic fatigue syndrome and is now on a mission to help other chronically sick people to regain their health and lives back.

Rino is a Holistic Wellness Consultant and Health Coach.

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