Collected Unpaid Child Support

Written by Detra Davis

Continued from page 1

3. Never write a check to a child support agency orrepparttar disbursement agency,repparttar 143719 money will not get torepparttar 143720 intended party.

4. Ifrepparttar 143721 custodial parent says “I’m not getting my child support payments”, and you know you are paying support, they may be right. Check it out. Once or twice a yearrepparttar 143722 names of those who may be owed undistributed funds are recorded in local legal newspapers, or posted onrepparttar 143723 state web site under unclaimed property. 5. Custodial and Non-custodial parents must notifyrepparttar 143724 child support agency and disbursement agency when there is a change of address. If you don’t inform them your support may be held byrepparttar 143725 state and not disbursed.

Over $100 Billion in accumulated unpaid support should raise a few eyebrows. It means there are child support payments out there that are not getting torepparttar 143726 children who need itrepparttar 143727 most andrepparttar 143728 government is not doing enough to address this issue. The next time someone suggest that a dad or mom stopped paying child support, investigate. Just because you did not get your child support money does not mean it was not collected.

Detra D. Davis is a writer with over 20 years of experience. Author of A Matter of Record: Keeping Track of Your Child Support, this tool is for both custodial and non-custodial parents. Email Detra at:, or by mail: J. Davis & Associates, P. O. Box 4935, Cary, NC 27513-4935, to learn more visit:

The Top 5 Reasons Why Unwed-Parents Must Establish Paternity

Written by Detra Davis

Continued from page 1

Financial Security 3. The law requires both parents support their children. This is true even ifrepparttar pregnancy is unplanned. Children supported by one parent often do not have enough money for their needs. A child support order cannot be established if paternity is not proven.

Survivor & other Benefits 4. Medical and dental insurance may be available throughrepparttar 143718 non-custodial parent’s employer, union, or military service. Medical assistance programs may be available throughrepparttar 143719 local and/or state family/child assistance agencies. If something should happen to either parent,repparttar 143720 child could qualify for Social Security, pensions, inheritance rights, veterans’ benefits and life insurance. Paternity must be established to receive these benefits.

Keep Track of Child Support Information 5. It is imperative that both parents, (the custodial and non-custodial) keep track of parent information, parenting time, (visitations), receipt of child support payments, court ordered or not, names of child support workers, attorney contacts, names of judges/referees, docket/court numbers etc. concerningrepparttar 143721 child support case. Remember to keep this information in a secure location and let someone you trust know where this information can be found inrepparttar 143722 event of an emergency.

Detra D. Davis is a technical writer with over 20 years of experience. Author of A Matter of Record: Keeping Track of Your Child Support, she is a former Public Health Educator and has taught a number of workshops promoting the importance of establishing paternity and paying child support. Detra may be reached at or by mail at J. Davis & Associates Publishing, P. O. Box 4935, Cary, North Carolina 27519-4935.

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