Coffee and Health

Written by Iulia Pascanu

Continued from page 1

Coffee is not recommended when certain health problems are allready present. Reasons could stand on solid proof or only on purpose to avoid unprooved but also unwanted risk. Acidy

Acidy describesrepparttar sour-component ofrepparttar 114635 coffee taste. Acidy (or acidity) is emphasised in Arabica coffee and in light roasts. It may have a negative efect overrepparttar 114636 digestive functions. People that are less tolerant with acidity but still want to drink coffee, may choose a decaffeinated coffee or a natural low-acidity coffee from Brazil, India or Caribbee.

Other negative effects that have been nominated (eg. over pregnant women) have not resulted in significant proof when tested. The medical society nowadays is rather exonerating coffee from long term negative effects upon human health. The beneficial effects of coffee

Coffee has prooven beneficial effects over persons suffering from astma. 2 to 4 small cups of coffee through-outrepparttar 114637 day will help them reducerepparttar 114638 recurency of astma-attacks and moderate their intensity.

Coffee contains natural antioxidants called 'flavonoids' that are wide known as disease protectors.

The beneficial effects of moderate caffeine consumption are wide recognised: caffeine works on alertness, mood, sensorial activity and memory. Of course, you may choose to take your daily caffeine intake from other foods and beverages: chocolate, carbonated drinks based on coca-nuts extract, tea.

Beside these effects, somewhat prooven byrepparttar 114639 medical society, I would mention one more:repparttar 114640 pure pleasure of sipping a good cup of coffee. If every person on this planet would do this every day, I believe there would be less wars, suicides, health problems, people suffering from depression etc. etc. But I could be wrong

Iulia Pascanu writes for where you can find more information about The Mad Coffee Maker Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared. mailto:

Youth people obsessed with sunless tanning

Written by Dana Scripca

Continued from page 1

Representatives of American Academy of Dermatology are puzzled since indoor tanning is so unnecessary. It's not associated with playing sports or other outdoor activities. It is practiced exclusively for cosmetic reasons. So young, so careless

Modern indoor salons gave up here and there traditional tanning beds and began to offer safer alternatives such as spray-on tanning or tanning booth which do not include UV light. Despite these better choices, youth would rather go to tanning beds using UV radiation because it is cheaper. They got there wrongly believing that tanning beds are safer than real sun exposure. They seem careless even if they are aware that UV rays delivered indoor are as dangerous as those outdoor.

It's obvious that relatively few teenagers are aware that sunburns increase their risk of skin cancer. Yet they continue to use tanning beds regularly. What happens during childhood is crucial; an early sunburn history isrepparttar foundation of potential further cancer. Nationalwide warning campaigns inrepparttar 114634 United States didn't show too many improvements in teens' attitude. But things have to be changed drastically, since melanoma is rising to critical range. Inrepparttar 114635 past years, at least 13 states have begun to regulate teen tanning (bed or booth exposing) by:

1. requiring parental presence 2. asking written parental agreement for teenagers under 18.

The state of California asks for a doctor's prescription; otherwise, indoor tanning sessions are forbidden for kids under 18. Moreover, a bill in Maryland requires all three: parental presence, written consent of parents and medical approval ! The sooner teens learn to protect their skin,repparttar 114636 better. Skin cancer is mostly incurable.

Dana Scripca writes for where you can find more information about Sunless Tanning. Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared:

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