Coaching: Communicating What Service You Provide

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

2. Connect Benefits to Ambitions

Describing what people are going to learn, such as living their lives by their values or building a strong personal foundation isn't enough; you want to show how coaching helps them reach their goals. Instead of writing mere descriptions, write stories withrepparttar prospective coachee asrepparttar 107982 potential hero.

Tell readers how your fieldwork prepares them for real-world experiences, how your group coaching hosts relationship opportunities, how your teleclass sharpens them, changes their critical-thinking, or decision-making skills.

3. Use Endorsements and Case Studies

Selecting a coach can be intimidating and overwhelming even forrepparttar 107983 most courageous people. An endorsement, in an ad or printed material created for sales, shows how your coaching welcomes and works with people just like them.

Case studies is a step up from endorsements by actually describing in some detailrepparttar 107984 transformation story -- how a person from one kind of background acted on her ambition and was able to move forward through your program or by working with you.


These techniques also work well for service or products communications if you also offer teleclasses, workshops, or group coaching programs. Actually, not that I think of it, it works in all personal development communications.

© Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved.

To learn more about how to turn your life into a fabulous success, visit the Abundance Center for techniques, tips, and programs to support your goal. While you are there, check out the three e-newsletters Catherine writes monthly. blog:

Minimising conflict with effective communication

Written by Lee Hopkins

Continued from page 1

"As long as I do a good job that's all that matters to me" undermines team cohesiveness and co-operation.

"Problems arerepparttar result of other people's mistakes" is also unhealthy.

"If someone 'stuffs up' it's their problem" is really not helpful to anyone.

Such values induce competition, not co-operation and collaboration. These team values destroy teamwork!

Positive team values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 5 key values that aid co-operation and cohesiveness within a team:

* We are all in this together The performance ofrepparttar 107981 team is seen as more important than individual performance. Note that blaming styles of communication lead to individual performance becomingrepparttar 107982 paramount object, resulting in little or no team work.

* No member is more important than another When individuals consider themselves more important than another ('superior communication') then communication breaks down and competition takes over. But when everyone is seen as an equal, communication is open and there are high levels of co-operation and collaboration.

* Open, honest communication is essential When you are thinking of a reply, instead of really listening torepparttar 107983 other, you are engaging in 'dishonest communication'. Similarly, when you see something done that is not acceptable but you 'are polite' and ignore it you are equally being dishonest with your communication.

There is no room for dishonest communication in teams.

Open and honest communication requiresrepparttar 107984 use of listening and empathy. Listening to understand gives us repparttar 107985 other person's perspective—it allows us to hear their experience. Empathy reducesrepparttar 107986 need to judgerepparttar 107987 behaviours and beliefs of others. By listening and empathising we model open and honest communication.

* Everyone needs open access to information Information facilitates collaboration and co-operation, and effective decision-making requires allrepparttar 107988 information. Decision-making always has an element of uncertainty attached to it, but having allrepparttar 107989 information available makesrepparttar 107990 decision-making easier.

* We all need to focus onrepparttar 107991 team's goals, aims and mission Without a clear and sustained focus minor distractions become major blockages.

Managing personal criticism ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is always discomforting to be onrepparttar 107992 receiving end of criticism. It hurts! Ouch!

But there are ways of managing your feelings when someone 'has a go at you'.

1. Listen to understand: Listen with your ears, your eyes and your senses

Engage your mind and disengage your emotions — pack them up (remember, YOU are in control of what you think and feel)

Be flexible and accommodate another view ofrepparttar 107993 problem or issue

Evaluate, discriminate and judgerepparttar 107994 decision you make

2. Don't go into 'defensive' mode

3. Use an 'I message' — such as, "When I am just simply criticised I feel angry and hurt and disregardrepparttar 107995 information. However, I would welcome constructive feedback."

When you match consumer psychology with effective communication styles you get a powerful combination. At Hopkins-Business- you can find the secrets to communication success. At Hopkins we show you how to communicate better for better business results.

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