Clearing Office Clutter

Written by Janet Barclay

Continued from page 1

While going through your files, be sure to pull out any documents which don't seem to belong in their existing file folder so you can find a more suitable home for them.

As I mentioned atrepparttar beginning of this article, getting rid ofrepparttar 103208 clutter is only halfrepparttar 103209 battle. Maintenance is equally important, and here are three tips to help keep clutter from coming back.

1. Make a practice of handling each document only once, if possible. When you open your mail or email, deal with it immediately. If it's about an upcoming meeting or other event, copyrepparttar 103210 information into your planner, then get rid of it. If it's a quick question, answer it immediately, then discard it. If you may needrepparttar 103211 information again inrepparttar 103212 future and it's not readily available elsewhere, file it, don't just put it back in your inbox. There will be some items that cannot be dealt with immediately. These should be noted on your "to do" list andrepparttar 103213 document placed inrepparttar 103214 appropriate folder on your desk.

2. Implement a "clean desk" policy where desks must be cleared of all paperwork atrepparttar 103215 end of each work day.

3. Set a filing schedule to prevent a backlog of unfiled documents. You often need to refer to something you've worked on recently, and you don't want to have to sift through piles of paperwork to find it. How often you need to do filing will depend onrepparttar 103216 volume of paper you keep, butrepparttar 103217 important thing is to keep it up to date.

A tidy office is only one ofrepparttar 103218 benefits of getting rid of clutter. When your work environment is clutter-free, you'll be more productive, because there will be fewer things to distract you fromrepparttar 103219 task at hand. You'll be less likely to forget about things you're supposed to do, or to miss important events, becauserepparttar 103220 information won't be buried under a pile of other documents. As a result, you'll be more confident, appear more competent, and free up time forrepparttar 103221 types of activities that will help you to become successful!

Janet Barclay, Organized Assistant, offers office organizing services in and around Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and virtual assistance around the globe.

Visit for more information and additional resources to help you organize your office.

5 Marketing Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

Written by Debbie Allen

Continued from page 1

Remember, it’s your money and your investment. Don’t ever let anyone talk you into an advertising program that is not producingrepparttar best results for your business. And measurerepparttar 103207 results of your advertising dollars spent vs.repparttar 103208 income received from your advertising on a consist basis.

When you diversify, don’t’ forget about direct marketing. Many business owners only do a few direct-mail programs a year, targeted to their existing customer base. They need to do more.

Your customer base and mailing list is gold, make sure you have budgeted a large part of your marketing dollars to advertise to your existing customers. They already love you, so keep them coming in by sending promotional (promotional – not just sale) postcards to them at least six times a year.

Mistake 4: Allowing your ego to get inrepparttar 103209 way of common sense.

Ego can tempt a very bright person to do dumb things. Your marketing decisions should be based on factors that will positively impact some area of your business – usuallyrepparttar 103210 bottom line. Buying full-page ads or covers featuring yourself and not focusing on your business’ unique offerings may result in money going outrepparttar 103211 window.

Mistake 5: Not getting help when you need it.

If you find you’re too busy to handle your marketing efforts or that your materials aren’t looking as professional as they should, it’s time to call inrepparttar 103212 reinforcements. Hire a full-or part-time employee to allow you more free time to work onrepparttar 103213 “business end” or hire an independent business consultant to bring in new concepts and fresh ideas.

Business speaker, Debbie Allen has presented to thousands in nine countries. Featured in “Entrepreneur”, “Sales Marketing Excellence” and “Selling Power,” Allen is the author of five books including best seller, “Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters,” published in five countries. To learn more or to take her free business card quiz & evaluate your own marketing, visit:

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