Christmas Gifts Can Be a Cheating Husband’s Undoing

Written by Ruth Houston

Continued from page 1

Beverley was ecstatic when she found s box containing a hand crafted, one of a kind gold bracelet she’d been admiring for some time. However, Christmas came and went,repparttar box disappeared, but Beverley never receivedrepparttar 130796 bracelet. A few weeks later, at her health club, Beverley noticed a woman wearing a bracelet identical torepparttar 130797 one inrepparttar 130798 box. After some discreet checking around, and finding several other clues to corroborate her suspicions, Beverly found out her husband and this woman were having an affair.

Laura found a box containing a sexy satin negligee inrepparttar 130799 trunk of her husband Paul’s car. He tried to pass it off as a gift he’s bought for her, but upon closer examination she saw that it was 5 sizes too small. Paul tried in vain to convince Laura thatrepparttar 130800 salesclerk had mistakenly putrepparttar 130801 wrong size inrepparttar 130802 box. But since she’d previously found other telltale signs of an affair, his excuses fell on deaf ears.

Warning bells should go off if your husband gives or receives a gift of an extremely personal nature. No woman other than yourself should be giving your husband ½ dozen pairs of silk boxer shorts for Christmas -- unless it’s his mother or his sister (and even then you should check to make sure.)

Also be wary if your husband gives or receives a disproportionately extravagant gift to or from any woman who is supposedly a casual friend or business acquaintance. Any unusually expensive gifts that suddenly appear in his possession duringrepparttar 130803 holidays should be regarded at with suspicion. Especially if he tries to pass them off as things he purchased for himself, but can’t produce any receipts.

If you’ve found other warning signs of infidelity duringrepparttar 130804 previous weeks or months,repparttar 130805 Christmas gifts could berepparttar 130806 missing pieces ofrepparttar 130807 infidelity puzzle. Sit down and have a serious talk with your husband. Your marriage may be in jeopardy. Find out what’s going on before it’s too late. © 2003

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RUTH HOUSTON is the author of “Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs.” For more information about the book or to sign up for her f*r*e*e Infidelity Newsletter visit or e-mail to

How I Broke Myself from Asking “What Are You Thinking?”

Written by Tracey Winfrey

Continued from page 1
usuallyrepparttar case), there also liesrepparttar 130794 possibility that it is something you really don’t want to hear or know at that particular moment. And it didn’t happen that I ever askedrepparttar 130795 question and received knowledge of something I did not want to hear. Oh no, it was much, much worse. I was askedrepparttar 130796 question! It was quite possibly one ofrepparttar 130797 worst dates of my life. The type of date that reminds you some fates are far worse than torture and death. Even prison seemed a brighter, more appealing option than another hour on this date (and I look terrible in flip-flops and orange), one I wished would end quickly. We were finally inrepparttar 130798 car driving me home and he was telling a story that seemed to go on forever when he paused and asked, “What are you thinking?” I was dumbfounded – my mind a whirl of possible explanations and answers. Do I tell him something simple? Do I tell himrepparttar 130799 actual truth – that givenrepparttar 130800 relatively smooth terrain torepparttar 130801 side ofrepparttar 130802 road, I am calculating at what speed could I safely jump fromrepparttar 130803 moving vehicle and maintain minimal physical damage? Do I just jump now (as we were approaching a stop sign) and escaperepparttar 130804 question altogether? In just a brief, few seconds, these thousand thoughts going through my head in a vicious flurry when suddenly, a soothing thought entered into my head. I looked at him, smiled, and said “nothing.”

From that moment on,repparttar 130805 cycle was broken and I was free from ever utteringrepparttar 130806 question again! The cure was as simple as havingrepparttar 130807 question asked to me.

Copyright 2003 Tracey Winfrey

Tracey is an author and founder of; A Different Type of Relationship Advice Site. Visit Tracey there to sign up for her newsletter, read her advice column, other articles and other fun things. Or, you may email her at

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