Choosing the Right Roses for your Garden

Written by Kathy Burns-Millyard

Continued from page 1

Landscape roses - Landscape roses are great forrepparttar novice gardener. They are disease resistant, and require a little bit less maintenance. Hybrid teas are not good forrepparttar 113419 novice.

Climbing Roses - These roses are different fromrepparttar 113420 regular roses that are planted as they are trained to grow upward like vines. Most people like to use these for trellises, or buildings. Some of them are hybrid teas, wichuraine, and large flowered climbers. They are a beautiful addition torepparttar 113421 look of one's house.

Shrub Roses - Shrub roses likerepparttar 113422 beautiful rugosa are both long blooming, and disease resistant. These are also great forrepparttar 113423 novice planter. They are gorgeous even when they are not in bloom becauserepparttar 113424 foliage is so pretty.

Old Garden Roses - These roses are not very good for those with severe allergies to strong fragrances because they have a strong fragrant odor. However, they are disease resistant and continue to bloom for months at a time.

The Modern Rose - These are very special roses because they arerepparttar 113425 result of cross breedingrepparttar 113426 hybrid tea withrepparttar 113427 polyanthus. They are also referred to as Floribunda. They are a beautiful combination ofrepparttar 113428 best those two flowers have to offer. They are long blooming, fragrant, and they are great for cutting.

Miniature Roses - Miniature roses are exactly what they sound like. They have all ofrepparttar 113429 fragrance and beauty of a regular rose, but they have smaller blooms. These particular roses are great for indoor planting.

While note all inclusive, this article should be a great help in getting you started onrepparttar 113430 way to having your very own, gorgeous rose garden.

© 2004, Kathy Burns-Millyard and

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Watering Your Orchids

Written by Bob Roy

Continued from page 1

Under watering is usuallyrepparttar case ifrepparttar 113418 plant is in a direct sun for long periods of time. Some of us will only mistrepparttar 113419 plant instead of watering. The signs of under watering are essentiallyrepparttar 113420 same as over watering. The thinner leaves ofrepparttar 113421 plants especially Miltonias will have accordion like leaves.

The treatment for over watering is to re pot as soon as possible. As re potting is taking place cut offrepparttar 113422 roots that do not look healthy. Re pot in a coarser medium. This will allowrepparttar 113423 plant to getrepparttar 113424 support it needs. Be sure thatrepparttar 113425 plant dries out before being watered next.

Occasionally you plant may not have any viable roots and may not respond to re potting. If this isrepparttar 113426 case then I would recommend that you placerepparttar 113427 plant and container in a clear plastic bag and loosely tie it and place it in indirect light. The humidity will help.

Occasionally with over watering you will notice thatrepparttar 113428 roots and thenrepparttar 113429 rest ofrepparttar 113430 plant may turn black. This is "black root" disease. Use a fungicide on this and probably you can save it.

For under wateringrepparttar 113431 main stay of treatment is to water more frequently. Ifrepparttar 113432 plant feels loose inrepparttar 113433 pot then re pot it. Once you do this you will notice that there will be less wilting and greener healthier leaves. If there is still some wiltingrepparttar 113434 plant will need more humidity. This can be accomplished by placingrepparttar 113435 plant on a tray that has pebbles in it and is half full of water. Remember you do not wantrepparttar 113436 roots to sit in water.

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