Choosing Tactics for Your Web Site Marketing Plan

Written by Bobette Kyle

Continued from page 1

The positioning process involves first understandingrepparttar needs and wants of your target audience. You should also knowrepparttar 121468 positioning strategies of your competitors and have a thorough knowledge of your own product’s features. Armed with that information, you can better develop tactics that will most closely fit your positioning.

Another factor to keep in mind is your online positioning will be tightly interwoven with your off-line positioning. Because your business and products are a reality in bothrepparttar 121469 physical and virtual worlds, your positioning should be consistent across both. Accordingly, your marketing tactics should be consistent as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Four P's - Price, Product, Place, and Promotion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Too often, we tend to focus on "promotion" torepparttar 121470 detriment ofrepparttar 121471 other marketing mix elements. When choosing tactics for your Web site marketing plan, consider *each* ofrepparttar 121472 four P's in your marketing mix - price, product, place (distribution), and promotion. You are likely to findrepparttar 121473 results much better than if you include promotions alone.

The opportunities for incorporating all four P's into your plan are numerous. You may find, after studyingrepparttar 121474 competition, that increasing or decreasing your price is likely to result in better profits for your business. Perhaps there is a distribution channel (electronic delivery or mailorder, for example) you haven't fully integrated into your business. With respect to products, developing a new product or giving an existing product a facelift may be an effective business-building tactic.

By consideringrepparttar 121475 Four P's, your target audience(s), and positioning, you can be better prepared to choose effective tactics for your Web site marketing plan. Once your tactics are chosen, you are ready to begin implementing and evaluating results.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other Articles in this Series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inrepparttar 121476 first three article of this series, I discussedrepparttar 121477 marketing plan in general, then developing Web site objectives, and thirdly, developing strategies to support your objectives. This,repparttar 121478 final article is devoted to choosing tactics for your plan.

Part One: "Developing a Web Site Marketing Plan" Part Two: "Your Web Site's Objectives" Part Three: "Strategies for Your Web Site Marketing Plan"

Bobette Kyle has over 10 years experience in marketing, brand management, and general management. The four part Web site marketing plan series is based on her book "How Much For Just the Spider? Strategic Web Site Marketing for Small- Budget Businesses". The book presents a unique five-step process to marketing plan development.

Why Market Your Business Online?

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

4. It's less time investment.

Online marketing saves you time because you can do it all from one location.

Attending meetings or giving presentations take prep, driving in traffic, and several hours out of your day. You may not make a sale for months. At your computer, your messages shoot out to thousands instantly, and you haven't even had to put on panty hose!

5. It's much less money.

You can start your business with little capital. Most Online business locations are at home. Web sites have become our virtual office. Comparerepparttar costs to maintaining an office to maintaining your site. Instead of thousands of dollars a month, it's only hundreds. You can hire a virtual assistant from a local tech school for a reasonable fee, that more than pays for your increased sales.

6. It's vast with endless possibilities.

While you may not be a millionaire right away, it's probable, that in time, you could be one. The World-Wide Web awaits your unique creation and creativity. People are ready to buy every day. Even with modest time investment, you'll reap vast rewards.

7. It's supportive ofrepparttar 121467 entrepreneur.

You can exchange information, ideas and find mentors and other qualified professionals to assist you in your Online adventure. People are so friendly Online.

8. It' a grand adventure.

You meet wonderful people from all overrepparttar 121468 world, who want to know you, and even buy from you.

Just remember, like a garden, a new venture takes time to be planted, watered, and nourished, weeded and ultimately harvested. Don't give up too soon. Keep your patience going, and enjoyrepparttar 121469 process.

Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach eBook: _Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online_ Send an email to

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