Children of a star

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

There may be some strange form of consciousness out there that will remember us after we are gone, it is a great possibility, but nonetheless we will disappear, and with our departure our story will be complete. So inrepparttar meantime, let’s discussrepparttar 125323 middle of this Earth tale for a story has no substance withoutrepparttar 125324 journey in betweenrepparttar 125325 beginning and end. What is our story thus far? Where will our tale turn to next? What are we meant to do while we are here? What isrepparttar 125326 purpose of this journey? These are questions you’ve probably asked and heard spoken by others a multitude of times since you came to be.

The answers to these questions could be so simple that if put into words they would not be understood, and so I shall not attempt to articulate my opinion here. We have to experiencerepparttar 125327 story for our selves. We have to simply be, and be aware of being. Yourepparttar 125328 reader arerepparttar 125329 writer, editor and publisher ofrepparttar 125330 most important story of all:repparttar 125331 story of a child ofrepparttar 125332 stars. We were given a huge gift in being here…could it be time to finally give back in reciprocation? The true pages ofrepparttar 125333 story arerepparttar 125334 days of our lives. Have you been readingrepparttar 125335 words carefully, speed-reading, or skimmingrepparttar 125336 text? Be careful, this isn’trepparttar 125337 type of book you can read twice!

By Jesse S. Somer http://www.M6.Net

Jesse S. Somer can occasionally see the simple truth hiding behind our complicated construct of reality.

The future successes are in the realm of creativity

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

Maybe you can. Maybe you’re one of those super-intelligent types that know everything about how humanity has evolved overrepparttar millennia. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, Van Gogh, Picasso, Einstein, Newton, Edison, Socrates and Buddha: How many of these people who changedrepparttar 125322 world were business graduates? Creative ideas have always been intrinsic factors in creating momentous changes to social beliefs and systems on our world. I believe we are on a pendulum, and things are once again about to swing towards a time of inspiration and imagination. Even inrepparttar 125323 present money-driven social paradigm it looks like new ideas and ways of perception are going to be integral to one’s success. If we want to be a great part ofrepparttar 125324 future human team, it’s time to once again openrepparttar 125325 right side of our brains and become balanced in our thinking processes. Am I full of crap, or full of inspiration? You berepparttar 125326 judge.

Jesse S. Somer http://www.M6.Net Jesse S. Somer is a human being learning to access the side of the brain that our society has long since relegated to the back burner on the stove of perfection.

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