Childhood Obesity

Written by Karen Zastudil

Continued from page 1

With childhood obesity reaching epidemic proportions inrepparttar United States, many states are mandatingrepparttar 114829 measurement of BMI in preschoolers and school children, hoping to get a grip onrepparttar 114830 situation. The consequences of obesity are having a dramatic effect ofrepparttar 114831 quality of peoples lives. Many overweight and obese children suffer a loss of self esteem, and are embarrassed or humiliated by their peers. These children also face serious health risks such asrepparttar 114832 development of type-2 diabetes, hypertension and gallbladder problems, which can leave serious long-term damage.

Just as a note, "twenty-five years ago, type 2 diabetes - which is caused by obesity and inactivity - was considered a disease that afflicted only adults. Today, type 2 diabetes isrepparttar 114833 most common form of diabetes in children .... one out of four overweight children is developing diabetes." Type 2 diabetes isrepparttar 114834 leading cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputations. You CAN do something to stop this dreaded disease!

Dealing with weight problems as a family is a good idea. Don't single outrepparttar 114835 overweight child. Don't announce plans to changerepparttar 114836 way your family eats. The best way to bring about positive change is to introduce it gradually with as little fuss as possible. When grocery shopping, leave your children at home if possible, and forgetrepparttar 114837 chips and fatty snacks. Load up on fruits, vegetables, popcorn and pretzels instead. One ofrepparttar 114838 best ways to help your overweight child to slim down is by usingrepparttar 114839 principal of substitution. When your child starts digging around looking for something to eat, if he is really hungry he will improvise. If not, he will do without. In doing this, you will be able to exert some measure of control over what your child is eating without ever saying a word.

Gettingrepparttar 114840 family involved in physical activities not only bringsrepparttar 114841 family closer together, it is an important factor in losing weight and reducing stress. Make time to go for a hike, ride bikes, swim, or ski. You'll be glad you did.

Karen Zastudil is a retired financial analyst with a BA in Economics and Marketing - as the parent, Karen is an advocate for others who are interested in parenting and womens issues. Karen shares her wisdom and her resources at

Flatulence (intestinal gas) odor control for those who care!

Written by Frank Morosky

Continued from page 1

Possible solutions- medicine or natural cures Doctors may tell people to eat fewer foods that cause gas. However, for some people this may mean cutting out healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and milk products. Doctors may also suggest limiting high-fat foods to reduce bloating and discomfort. This helpsrepparttar stomach empty faster, allowing gases to move intorepparttar 114828 small intestine. Unfortunately, there are few marketed products available to managerepparttar 114829 problem. One herbal-tablet product, called: "Bean-O", claims to reduce gas when sprinkled on foods such as beans, but it proved only marginally effective in testing. Drugs are usually a last resort because of expense and side-effects, but even this option, available with drugs such as GAS-X, is only minimally effective. There are no drugs for daily use to eliminaterepparttar 114830 odor in gas such as occurs in normally healthy people. Natural things we can do to minimize gas is to eat slowly, chew thoroughly, sip rather than gulp liquids, minimize fizzy beverages and, not chew gum.

Newest High Tech Solutions

The latest and most ingenious solution for those malodorous gas makers isrepparttar 114831 use of activated charcoal technology. Activated Charcoal Cloth (ACC) is produced in a flexible textile form. This material absorbs odors more effectively, per unit area, than any other known agent can absorb.

Flat-D Innovations has tackledrepparttar 114832 odors of flatulence withrepparttar 114833 help of this technology. They manufacture a Flatulence Deodorizer (Flat-D) reusable flatulence deodorizing pad that is placed inrepparttar 114834 underwear, next torepparttar 114835 buttocks. When gas is expelled throughrepparttar 114836 ACC pad it effectively absorbsrepparttar 114837 odor associated withrepparttar 114838 gas. This isrepparttar 114839 most simple, cost-effective, non-drug solution forrepparttar 114840 worst odorrepparttar 114841 body makes. This material is lightweight, extremely thin (1/16th of an inch), washable and reusable. For many,repparttar 114842 Flat-D will end embarrassment because you will not haverepparttar 114843 tell- tale odors around you.

For more information on Flat-D Innovations products visit their web site at The author, Frank Morosky, isrepparttar 114844 company’s vice president and “Flatulence Guru”. Feel free to contact him at or 319-447-4840

Frank Morosky of Cedar Rapids, IA is the business and marketing leader of the company. With 20+ years experience in industrial sales and marketing. He has a BA and an MBA to his credits and is an Adjunct Marketing Professor at a Kirkwood College. He is currently writing a book on starting a business venture from the ground-up on a shoestring budget. He also consults start-up entrepreneurs. *Frank has been married for 20 years, has 2 children, and lives in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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