Checklist For High Performing Teams

Written by Susan Cullen

Continued from page 1

We don’t all workrepparttar same way, or haverepparttar 103348 same styles. This can be a key source for interpersonal conflict. However, when teams learn to value each other’s differences they can leverage each other’s strengths. Team building exercises can help individuals to appreciate diversity and work together more effectively.

6. Creative Problem Solving.

When you value diversity of opinion, your team can be more adept at solving problems. How effectively a team can generate new solutions, and focus onrepparttar 103349 end objective, will largely determine their success.


High performing teams check their progress periodically and adjust their course when needed. This is an important element for allowing them to become adept at meetingrepparttar 103350 goals of their team.

8. Effective Conflict Resolution.

How teams resolve their conflicts can make or break them. Effective conflict resolution skills that focus onrepparttar 103351 task at hand, notrepparttar 103352 individuals, helps teams move forward and redirect their focus toward positive outcomes.

9. Effective Time Management.

How teams structure their meetings, and meet their deadlines, reflects on their effectiveness. Teams that manage their meetings well encourage higher performance andrepparttar 103353 increased likelihood of accomplishing their objectives.

10. Good morale.

Low turnover and longevity is a benchmark of good morale. A team that successfully valuesrepparttar 103354 individual as well asrepparttar 103355 team hasrepparttar 103356 best likelihood of success.

Susan Cullen is President of Quantum Learning Solutions, Inc., based in New Jersey. She has over 15 years experience in Organizational Development and is considered an expert in the use of blended learning methodologies for lasting organizational change. For more information go to or you can reach us at (800) 683-0681.

Top 10 Ways To Sell Your Products and Services

Written by Diana Barnum

Continued from page 1

7. Use your free bonuses to create a sense of urgency for your visitors to buy. Only offer them for a limited time with your main product. For new top-notch monthly products to add to your product line, join fellow business operators with affordable memberships at sites like EbookWholesaler and PushButtonPublishing online here:

8. Offer your customers extra add-on products atrepparttar point of purchase. For example, if they are buying an electronic toy, try to sell batteries with it. Some product subscriptions sites and shopping carts like ProfitAuto offer a 30-day trial period and customer help at a toll-free number online here: …and much more to help with your selling.

9. Make your visitors feel good by giving them sincere compliments. If they feel good they will also feel good about buying from your web site.

10. Add multiple profit centers to your web site. If you're selling business books try to sell business services, courses and supplies too.

No need to go it alone, either. Reach out for affordable help alongrepparttar 103347 way. Take your cyber-tour today and check outrepparttar 103348 Work Stations at: . And you’ll see that help is as simple as ABC!

By Diana Barnum, president of and CEO of . For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email or call: (614) 529-9459.

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