Check Out That Tanning Bed Bulb

Written by Tim Gorman

Continued from page 1

If you tan in a UVA only bed you will need to spend a few weeks, 3 to 5 sessions, total, to getrepparttar same results. This means you won’t need to spend as much time underrepparttar 144894 tanning bed bulbs.

The tanning bed bulbs in either bed will require your continued use if you want to maintain your tan. If you use a tanning bed with both UVA and UVB rays you will need to userepparttar 144895 tanning bed bulbs 2 or 3 times a week if you want to stay tanned.

The tanning bed bulbs inrepparttar 144896 UVA only bed will not require as much of your time. When you tan using these tanning bed bulbs you will only need to tan 2 or 3 times a month.

You should know which tanning bed bulbs your salon uses.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more tanning bed information on tanning bed bulbs, tanning bed lotions and tanning bed information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

StarTrac Treadmills Aim To Please the Physical Fitness Guru

Written by Tim Gorman

Continued from page 1

With prices ranging from $3,000 to $8,000,repparttar StarTrac treadmill is one ofrepparttar 144893 most expensive onrepparttar 144894 market. But, all models are durable and built for long periods of daily use. Advance features such as Soft Trac cushioning and personal trainer program add torepparttar 144895 desirability ofrepparttar 144896 Star Trac.

These treadmills offer a warranty based on amount and type of usage as an alternative to having a predetermined warranty on each machine. StarTrac treadmills used inrepparttar 144897 home have a warranty of three years. Ifrepparttar 144898 treadmill is used in a commercial setting,repparttar 144899 warranty only extends two years. While not as generous as other treadmill brands, these warranties are quite ample consideringrepparttar 144900 machine you are purchasing.

If you are a serious athlete or trainer looking for a high quality, commercial piece of fitness equipment,repparttar 144901 StarTrac treadmill isrepparttar 144902 only possibility to entertain.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more treadmill ratings, rankings and treadmill reviews that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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