Characteristics OF The Boxer (dog).

Written by Ron Swerdfiger

Continued from page 1

Typical Boxer Characteristics

- The boxer is an extremely high-energy dog. As a result, they need a great deal of attention and supervisoin.

- The boxer is an intelligent dog. As should be with all dogs,repparttar boxer needs obedience training on a regular basis starting from a young pup. Being a bright energetic breed, they will find many ways to get in to trouble if not properly trained and watched.

- Boxers are typically great with childern. If properly socialized from a pup,repparttar 125661 boxer makes an ideal playmate.

The boxer is a natural guardian. Always alert,repparttar 125662 boxer is on constant guard. Usually weary of strangers, and always protective of their people.

- The boxer temmperment is “fundemntally playful,” but if threadted will display unwaverying courage..

Here are some “other” characistics ofrepparttar 125663 boxer that you most likey wont find in any dog book

laying on back, feet up, not a care!

GAS...bad gass

Kidney Beans (the boxer dance)

Boxer Woo Woo Song

Catching bugs

Using paws in cat like movements

Zipping aroundrepparttar 125664 backyard for no apparent reason.

Bounces like a rabbit when running at times

The “woo woo” song

Lay their head on you like it is too heavy to hold up!

Constatnly following their humans whereever they go.

So is a boxer right for you?

The boxer is an affectionate loyal dog, that if treated with love and respect can be a wonderful addition to any household. Yetrepparttar 125665 boxer is also a a dog with very high energy, who will need strict obedience and even more patience.. The key is to properly socialize and train your dog from a young age. By doing so, you and your dog will both enjoy your time together more more.

So If you are looking for a dog who will lay at your feet, only occasionaly moving to eat, or keeps to himself and requires little attention,then maybe a boxer isn’t exactly what you need. But If you want a dog who is full of life and a constant source of entertainment then perhaps a boxer is exactly what you need.

For more great info onrepparttar 125666 boxer, visit and check outrepparttar 125667 boxer forum

For more great articles from Ron and other great dog info, check out

Good dog health and happiness for Charlie

Written by Rolf Rasmusson

Continued from page 1

Puppy housetraining –

The all time favorite issue. Potty training! No different than when we potty trained our children,repparttar process is somewhat similar. Patience, consistency and confinement doesrepparttar 125660 trick. Do yourself a favor, get a crate for your doggie big enough for it to stretch out in and also take a snooze being able to nestle into a little corner.

Your best pet friend needs to be in there when you're asleep, gone fromrepparttar 125661 premises or to be left unattended (you're busy cooking dinner and doggie treats. Doing so teaches them to hold it for awhile. Putting them in a crate for 6 – 8 hours duringrepparttar 125662 training period is alright too.

While home have your little sweetie out with a timer going off around each 60 minutes or so. You andrepparttar 125663 doggie hitrepparttar 125664 turf outside for 10 minutes or so giving them a chance to potty. When they do reward them with positive comments, petting, stroking – some real love if you will which is positive reinforcement( something we all would like to have,right?). Chances are pretty good your doggie will catch on very soon. Be patient, take your time and no accident frustrations. Your new best friend needs a little time to learn, adapt and assimilate your wishes. Keep in mind that your doggie loves you. Cleanliness goes a long way for good dog health.

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