Changes in the Face of Fitness

Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

Continued from page 1
Since I have started working as part ofrepparttar team with a number of New York City's top plastic surgeons,repparttar 135884 opportunity presented itself through Dr. Mauro Romita, in a perfect time window. Getting training results with clients and staff has its rewards! Now, back torepparttar 135885 age thing. July of next year I will be turning 50 (gasp!) So this is another step I needed to take to fulfill my mission. Looking upon my life and my journey, I can be proud and say I am a very real and true fitness role model. Proof ofrepparttar 135886 benefits of exercise, healthy living and good nutrition. I've remained true to my fervent belief that without health…you just can't live life to its fullest! I hope to inspire and motivate all whose lives I am privileged to enter and affect. And hope to continue to do so for a very, very long time. Since we are all involved inrepparttar 135887 process of becoming our best throughrepparttar 135888 health, wellness and fitness process if anyone cares to discussrepparttar 135889 process further with me, feel free to ask for more information. This procedure is basically painless and you can go back to work and walking (with sunglasses) after 3-4 days. Exercise takes 2 weeks.

Deborah Caruana RN, CPT, MES. EMAIL:

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success.


Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

Continued from page 1
Feeling good. Eyes wonder out torepparttar blanket of snow and everything feels safe and warm. The last place I would want to go is out intorepparttar 135841 cold (‘reality’ I think). All is swell; until that transition day when you walk back intorepparttar 135842 doors of your own home…. if you can fit. Allrepparttar 135843 good times, and intoxication are fading into never ever land. I look at myself inrepparttar 135844 mirror and think “I did my duty”. Then dreamily go into a fond reverie….until I try on those tight jeans!!! It’s time to take action, I feel passionate again, my workouts are inspired. I’m like Rocky Balboa. Underdog to champion. As long as I try my best I am guaranteed results, I can only get better from here. It’s back to clean living and motorvation. More than anything I think it’srepparttar 135845 transitions that are harder than anything. Resistingrepparttar 135846 surrendering torepparttar 135847 holidaze, then resisting leaving them. And it’s exactly this change that fuelsrepparttar 135848 fire within. Change, is like a breath of fresh air. The air causes a conflagration, of fire for inspiration.

Deborah Caruana RN, AAHRFP, NASM, ACE email: web:

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success.

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