Celebrities Discover The Amazing Chihuahua!

Written by Bill Knell

Continued from page 1

Forrepparttar first time ever this past year, Chihuahuas have maderepparttar 125617 top ten list of most registered or licensed dogs in many areas ofrepparttar 125618 USA. There can be no doubt that part of their popularity comes fromrepparttar 125619 media exposurerepparttar 125620 breed has received andrepparttar 125621 fact that big-name celebrities are favoringrepparttar 125622 breed. But it also has to do withrepparttar 125623 fact that Chihuahuas are small, very easy to care for and live a long time.

Most Chihuahuas eat dry dog food and feed once every couple of hours or as their hunger moves them. A small, full bowl of dry food and dish of water easily gets them through an entire day. Chihuahuas are known for being healthy, hearty dogs that do well in virtually any situation. They can easily deal with temperatures of forty to ninety degrees Fahrenheit. When it gets a bit too chilly, doggie clothes solverepparttar 125624 problem. When it gets too hot, Chihuahuas are always happy to enjoy their owner’s air conditioning. Most have few health issues and live from fifteen to nineteen years of age, with an average lifespan of sixteen years.

Those wanting to breed Chihuahuas are often surprised to find that they can give birth up to twice a year, normally have from one to five puppies and take just sixty-five days to give birth. Few have problem births andrepparttar 125625 survival rate of pups is very high compared to other toy breeds. Chihuahua puppies are ready to be adopted by eight weeks.

Because celebrities are constantly exposed to new situations and always onrepparttar 125626 go, they can appreciaterepparttar 125627 fact that most Chihuahuas tend to attach themselves emotionally to one person or family and rarely bolt if givenrepparttar 125628 opportunity. All Chihuahua owners appreciaterepparttar 125629 intelligence ofrepparttar 125630 breed. They are very easy to train and adjust well to change. In areas where it’s legal, Chihuahuas walk obediently near their owners without a leash.

Chihuahuas come fromrepparttar 125631 same parent breed of dogs that Chinese Cresteds, Mexican Hairless Dogs and Xolos do. These are known to berepparttar 125632 most ancient of all dog breeds still existing today. Drawings of what appear to be Chihuahuas are found throughoutrepparttar 125633 world, some being thousands of years old. This makes us wonder when and whererepparttar 125634 Breed actually originated? Most Chihuahuas are either shorthair or longhair, come in an amazing variety of colors and purebreds tend to weigh from under a pound to no more then six pounds fully grown.

As Chihuahuas are featured in more and more films, television shows and becomerepparttar 125635 beloved pets of an ever growing list ofrepparttar 125636 rich and famous, we should all remember that they are more then justrepparttar 125637 hot breed ofrepparttar 125638 moment. Chihuahuas are great pets that are very loyal to their owners. If you are planning to adopt a Chihuahua, do so becauserepparttar 125639 breed is attractive to your needs, desires and lifestyle, not because Paris owns one. You can read more about Chihuahuas at http://tiny.azpuppies.com

A native New Yorker now living in Arizona, Bill Knell is a forty-something guy with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He's written hundreds of articles offer advice on a wide variety of subjects.

Outrageous Tales About Chihuahuas: Some Are True!

Written by Bill Knell

Continued from page 1

CHIHUAHUAS CAN CURE OR REDUCE THE SERVERITY OF ASTHMA AND ALLERGIES - Most people with Asthma or severe Allergy problems have a problem with pets. Not so, it seems, withrepparttar Chihuahua. Although there is no known medical evidence to supportrepparttar 125616 idea that Chihuahuas can cure any disease, many Chihuahua Owners who suffer with Asthma or severe Allergies claimrepparttar 125617 dogs help. As recently as thirty years ago, people living inrepparttar 125618 Southwest would get a Chihuahua for a child or family member with Asthma or Allergy problems. The dogs would sometimes lie near that person’s mouth and become ill. Atrepparttar 125619 same time,repparttar 125620 person would seem to feel better. The idea was thatrepparttar 125621 problem was transferred fromrepparttar 125622 suffering human torepparttar 125623 dog. While that’s obviously untrue, it is a fact that Asthma and Allergy sufferers seem to do better with short or long haired Chihuahuasrepparttar 125624 with any other dog breed.

CHIHUAHUAS COME FROM CHINA OR EGYPT - There is some evidence that Chihuahuas may have already existed in Africa and Asia before they were discovered in America, but none so conclusive to say that they originated in any of those places. We are just now discovering that seafarers may have visited our shores long before Columbus or evenrepparttar 125625 Vikings. This may account forrepparttar 125626 presence of Chihuahuas in other parts ofrepparttar 125627 world. No one really knowsrepparttar 125628 exact origin ofrepparttar 125629 Chihuahua.

IF REALLY UPSET, A CHIHUAHUA’S EYES WILL FALL OUT OF IT’S HEAD - The ‘bug eye’ look of some Chihuahuas undoubtedly lead to this myth. Modern science has shown this to be false.

SEWER RATS HAVE BEEN SOLD AS CHIHUAHUAS - This is yet another branch ofrepparttar 125630 false rodent identity once attributed to Chihuahua dogs. Years ago, a story appeared in one ofrepparttar 125631 supermarket tabloids proclaiming that a couple who visited Mexico was soldrepparttar 125632 hybrid of a rat-dog mix that looked like a Chihuahua. This lead torepparttar 125633 often repeated and equally nonsensical story of a couple who vacationed in Mexico and brought home a sewer rat they bought as a Chihuahua.

AN ANCIENT CHIHUAHUA WAS DISCOVERED PERFECTLY PRESERVED IN A SOUTH AMERICAN PYRAMID - Another crazy story courtesy of our friends atrepparttar 125634 supermarket tabloids. This one appeared in an early 1970’s tabloid article and claimed thatrepparttar 125635 dog’s flesh was still edible, blood samples could be extracted fromrepparttar 125636 dog’s body andrepparttar 125637 animal’s eyes were a color never before seen in animals(???). Well, they made it up, not me!

The craziest thing about allrepparttar 125638 tale tales that surroundrepparttar 125639 Chihuahua Breed is that some may actually be true. The Chihuahua isrepparttar 125640 world’s smallest dog breed and longest-lived. Animal Behaviorists tell us that Chihuahuas arerepparttar 125641 only dogs that tend to preferrepparttar 125642 company of humans to that of other dogs. They will nurse kittens and have helped people who suffer from various maladies. With a background like that, I suppose almost anything is possible. However, one thing is for sure. They makerepparttar 125643 world’s best pets!

A native New Yorker now living in Arizona, Bill Knell is a forty-something guy with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He's written hundreds of articles offer advice on a wide variety of subjects. http://www.billknell.com

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