Celebrating the Couch Potato

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

Continued from page 1
But I’m really afraid of what might happen inrepparttar future. The fantastic lifestyle ofrepparttar 123175 couch potato may be under attack. I heard that there is a lawsuit coming downrepparttar 123176 road where some folks are suing fast food establishments for making them fat. When I first heard about this I was sure that I heard wrong. These people who are suing must, themselves, be couch potatoes. They seem to have allrepparttar 123177 characteristics of people with a couch potato lifestyle. Somehow, someone must have paid them off. Or worse, they somehow got turned byrepparttar 123178 enemy. I don’t think they realize what is at stake. What if they win? Sure they might get some money, but look at what will be lost! First, fast food establishments will have to give up servingrepparttar 123179 really good tasty fat filled stuff. Inrepparttar 123180 future everything will be veggie burgers and salad with lemon juice dressing. But it won’t stop there. Whenrepparttar 123181 fast food companies are conquered, they will move on torepparttar 123182 other food manufacturers. This is where we really get killed. Frozen pizzas with no fat cheese (Have you ever tasted that stuff? All I can say is “plastic.”), chili with soy burger, turkey dogs, popcorn with no butter, candy with that bitter tasting artificial sweetener, non-fat yogurt ice cream! AAAGHHHH! It is enough to make a grown man cry. The result of all this will completely takerepparttar 123183 pleasure out of couch potatoing. With none ofrepparttar 123184 fattening food around we might lose weight. We might have so much time on our hands that we get bored and start working aroundrepparttar 123185 house. We might start working out. We might even actually get a job and lead a productive life. Woe is me, what a miserable existence it would be to have a trim body, a clean house, and a productive office. What is this world coming to?

Dr. Freddy Davis is the owner of TSM Enterprises and conducts conferences, seminars and organizational training for executives, managers and sales professionals to help develop greater effectiveness and productivity. He is the author of the book Supercharged! as well as the Nutshell Series of books for strengthening business. You can visit the TSM website at www.tsmenterprises.com, or you can contact Freddy directly at 888-883-0656 or davis@iname.com.

What to Do When You Are Chased by a Snake

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

Continued from page 1

Emotional Control The first element of our personhood relates to our emotional development. We can be in control of our emotions or they can be in control of us. Many people think that they can’t have that kind of control, but there are skills related to emotional flexibility, attitude, coping mechanisms and identification which can allow us to become quite adept at controlling our emotions.

Physical Control The second element relates to our physical body. In order to maintain personal control we have to exert a lot of energy - and that requires good physical conditioning. With proper nutrition, rest and exercise it is possible for us to developrepparttar stamina necessary to move us to higher levels of personal development.

Mental Control The third element involves our mental development. It is actually possible to develop our brain capacity in various ways so that we can be more effective inrepparttar 123174 activities we involve ourselves in. We can develop our brain function skills inrepparttar 123175 areas of content acquisition, quickness, outlook, concentration, focus and perspective.

Spiritual Control The final element relates to our spirit. The spiritual part of our being involves our self-awareness, creativity, conscious relationships, communication, choice, analysis, contemplation, imagination, self-discipline and perspective. These arerepparttar 123176 elements that make uprepparttar 123177 core of our being as humans. We are also able to develop each of these elements of our spirit to become more effective in our development.

The Choice to Take Control To really get a grasp onrepparttar 123178 full scope of these four areas would require a whole book. But even a brief description ofrepparttar 123179 whole gives us a sense ofrepparttar 123180 personal development task. We can’t just work on one part of our life, or even several parts, and neglectrepparttar 123181 others. Every part makes up who we are and we have to develop them all orrepparttar 123182 ones which don’t grow will begin to pull downrepparttar 123183 others. We all have choices to make in life. Some ofrepparttar 123184 choices have small consequences, but others may have life or death significance. Preparation forrepparttar 123185 choices is not something that just happens. We have to deliberately become aware ofrepparttar 123186 areas of our lives that need work, then actively and aggressively go after it. But when me makerepparttar 123187 effort to get it right, allrepparttar 123188 preparation is worth it. At that point we are able to see those snakes that are coming toward us and know exactly what to do to deal with them.

Dr. Freddy Davis is the owner of TSM Enterprises and conducts conferences, seminars and organizational training for executives, managers and sales professionals to help develop greater effectiveness and productivity. He is the author of the book Supercharged! as well as the Nutshell Series of books for strengthening business. You can visit the TSM website at www.tsmenterprises.com, or you can contact Freddy directly at 888-883-0656 or davis@iname.com.

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