Catch More Clients Using Strategic Networking

Written by Charlie Cook

Continued from page 1

2. When you meet people, userepparttar time to gather information from them, including: • Primary concerns about their business • Problems they want solved • Unmet business needs. • Areas whererepparttar 120880 solutions you provide overlap with their needs • Their contact information

3. Continue to expand your network. Whenever you make a contact, ask for referrals to other prospects.

4. Once you have this information, enter it into your database or contact manager. - Build Relationships 1. People have short memories. Follow-up after your initial contact and then stay in touch with your network on a regular basis. If you let more than a month go by without making contact they’ll forget that you exist and that you arerepparttar 120881 best person to solve their financial, legal, human resource, design, or other problems.

You’ll want to make personal contact with some people on your prospect list, but in most cases, a letter, newsletter or ezine will dorepparttar 120882 job. Userepparttar 120883 merge function in your software to personalize your mailings.

2. Demonstraterepparttar 120884 value of your expertise or products by sending prospects and clients an idea or suggestion they can use right away. You could present this in an article you’ve written, or one you’ve read. Your contact will then associate you withrepparttar 120885 problems you solve. - Pull information from prospects and clients to grow your network, stay in touch and regularly demonstraterepparttar 120886 value of your products and services.

Networking should be one ofrepparttar 120887 core marketing tactics of most independent professionals and small business owners. Use client-centered networking to lessen your reliance on costly and time consuming cold calling elemarketing and advertising. Over time, this business building strategy will reward you with a steady stream of new clients.

The author, Marketing Coach, Charlie Cook, helps independent professionals and small business owners who are struggling to attract more clients. He can be contacted at or visit to get a copy of the free marketing guide, '7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business'.

Frugal Marketing

Written by Charlie Cook

Continued from page 1

SYSTEMS Establish systems to support your marketing plan. Setting up repparttar systems to market your business costs little and make an unmanageable task a clerical function you or your assistant can do. You’ll need to set a schedule for marketing activities, define responsibilities and use your computer to automate tasks.

The most important systems to develop and implement are a way to collect leads and stay in touch with prospects and clients. You’ll need a centralized database and a schedule for staying in touch with prospects and clients in order to do this.

Automate functions where possible so you can focus your time on delivering products and services. There is simple and easy to use software that can help you manage contacts, add prospects to your database and send out broadcast emails torepparttar 120879 people who are interested in getting your ideas. Once you’ve put these marketing systems in place, you can focus on handlingrepparttar 120880 growing number of inquires you will receive.

TOOLS The tools you need to market your business will vary depending on your target market andrepparttar 120881 products and services you offer. The basics include:

1. Marketing materials,repparttar 120882 finished copy you use on everything from your business card, to your brochures, or online.

2. Questions,repparttar 120883 questions you use when people call about your services, or when you meet with clients, or to find out what information they want so you can writerepparttar 120884 perfect proposal.

3. Communication tools, such as a phone, email and website.

Take a look at your marketing and determine if you haverepparttar 120885 Knowledge, Skills, Systems and Tools to attract a steady stream of new clients. Identifyrepparttar 120886 gaps and fill them. You may need to invest a few dollars to make many, but with frugal marketing strategies you can limit marketing expenditures and maximize profits.

2003 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved.

The author, Marketing Coach, Charlie Cook, helps independent professionals and small business owners who are struggling to attract more clients. He can be contacted at or visit to get a copy of the free marketing guide, '7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business'.

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