Cat history and Advantages of Keeping Cats

Written by chetan gupta

Continued from page 1
published in newspaper, in August 2000, a cat named Jessie saved her owner Margaret Hayward's life by jumping up and down on her owner's bed in order to wake her whenrepparttar home caught fire. A cat named Scarlett of New York ran into a burning house five times in order to save her kittens. Some cats can protect their owner from thieves. A cat of UK actually alerted his owners to a real burglar by running up and downrepparttar 111194 stairs hissing and growling. A cat saved her kittens from a burning building. For any information about adventures of some extraordinary cats like bravery and homing instinct visitrepparttar 111195 website or website Cats are thought to protect humans from bad evils. Farmers and shopkeepers keep cats to protect food grains from rats as well as to prevent diseases like Plague which are spread by rats. Butchers, bakers, grocers, bookstore owners as well as restaurant owners and stationary store owners domesticate cats in order to keep their premises free of rats and mice. Due torepparttar 111196 lack of cats, two thirds ofrepparttar 111197 European human population died ofrepparttar 111198 Plague inrepparttar 111199 past. Cats have been credited withrepparttar 111200 the ability to predict earthquakes. Cats can hear ultrasonic waves. Cats become intensely agitated before major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe electrical storms. In many cases, cats have been observed desperately trying to escape from inside buildings prior to an earthquake. Cats and kittens are very photogenic and can be easily be used to advertise any product like greeting cards, milk products, candy boxes, calendars, toys and food. Cat's sense of hearing is one ofrepparttar 111201 highest in animal kingdom. Cat's sense of hearing is greater than human beings. The anatomy of cat is very similar to human beings. The Egyptian word for cat is Mau. Cats were even worshipped as feline goddess Bast or feline goddess Bastet or feline goddess Pasht in ancient Egypt for more than two thousand years. The Feline goddess Bastet had body of a woman and head of a cat. The goddess Bastet was associated with fertility, motherhood, grace and beauty. It was believed thatrepparttar 111202 goddess Bastet controlledrepparttar 111203 fertility of man and beast, cured illness and watched overrepparttar 111204 souls ofrepparttar 111205 dead. The largest temple of goddess Bastet was built inrepparttar 111206 ancient city of Bubastis about 4500 years ago. Aelurus, an Egyptian cat god, representedrepparttar 111207 moon. In ancient Egypt, if a house caught fire,repparttar 111208 rule went like this, save pet cats first and humans second. In ancient Egypt, a person killing a cat was punishable by death. In ancient Egypt, after death of cats, they were mummified and decorated, some with rock crystal. The dead bodies of cats were then wrapped in rich bandages of various colours. The mummified rats and saucers of milk were kept near cats. The faces of cats were covered by masks on whichrepparttar 111209 nose, eyes, ears and whiskers were evident. The mummified cats were then placed in boxes made of wood or bronze. These boxes were then placed in cat tombs or pyramids. In ancient Egypt,repparttar 111210 cat mummies outnumbered human mummies. In an ancient capital city of Egypt, more than 300000 cat mummies were found in 1890. The Egyptians believed that their gods took onrepparttar 111211 appearance of cats in order to pass down orders and omens. If a pet cat in ancient Egypt died, then allrepparttar 111212 family members used to shave their eyebrows as a sign of sorrow. If a pet cat in ancient Egypt died, thenrepparttar 111213 entire family went into elaborate mourning with chanting and pounding of chests as an outward sign of grief. The Egyptians believed that divinities assumedrepparttar 111214 semblance of a cat, and sorepparttar 111215 high prists decreed divine orders and omens ofrepparttar 111216 future according to its behaviour. The Egyptians considered that thatrepparttar 111217 cat's unblinking gaze gave it powers to seek out truth and to see intorepparttar 111218 afterlife. The ancient Egyptians used cats not only as hunters of mice but also as catchers of fish as well. The Egyptian Sun god Ra was believed to assumerepparttar 111219 form of a tomcat each night for his battle withrepparttar 111220 serpent of darkness. According to Roman Mythology, Dianarepparttar 111221 roman goddess of hunting angeredrepparttar 111222 giants by taking a cat form. In India cats were mentioned in Sanskrit writings around 100 B.C.. The Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, of about 500 B.C., both contain stories about cats. The Indians atrepparttar 111223 time of Ramayana and Mahabharata worshipped a feline goddess of maternity called Sasti and for decades Hindus were obliged to take responsibility for feeding at least one cat. In India cats often played an important part in religious or occult ceremonies. Cats haverepparttar 111224 ability to predict earthquakes. Cats have barometric sensitivity or sixth sense. Cats can forewarn us of coming storm, coming rainfall and change in atmosphere. There is a popular notion that states when a cat licks its paw or puts it in its ear, it is a sign of rain or a change in atmosphere. Many legends, folklore, myths and superstitions are associated with cats. Cats appear inrepparttar 111225 mythology of ancient Greece and Rome. Cats are commonly mentioned inrepparttar 111226 fairy tales, folklore and legends of many countries. Some people thought that witches could change themselves into cats. Today, people in ,many societies believe that cats bring good fortune. Many people find cats mysterious because they move swiftly and silently and because their eyes seem to glow inrepparttar 111227 dark. Some people believe that a black cat crossing path of a person means bad luck. Some people think that cats possess magical powers while some people think cats as extraterrestrial creatures. Some people think that cats haverepparttar 111228 ability to predict future. All cats are believed to have nine lives. In parts of UK , a cat washing its face with water is said to foretell rain. In UK and Scotland, a black cat crossing path of a person means good luck. In America, white cats are thought to bring good luck. The Russian Blue breed of cats is considered lucky in Russia. Black cats in particular have long been regarded as having occult powers and as beingrepparttar 111229 familiars of witches. White cats are thought to bring good luck in USA. The famous cats in cartoon include Tom, Garfield, Felix, Krazy kat, Top cat, Sylvester, Courageous cat, Pink Panther, Cheshire cat and Azrael.

I am owner and webmaster of website am working in SPCA Mumbai,India for the past seven years.I am also a cat dentist.

Cat sense organs and Cat Breeds

Written by chetan gupta

Continued from page 1
of cat contains 250 bones whilerepparttar skeleton of human beings contains 206 bones becauserepparttar 111193 cat has some extra bones in its tail. Cats are free from many skeletal abnormalities that can affect dogs. All cats have flexible spine. The cat's body has great elasticity. Becauserepparttar 111194 vertebrae ofrepparttar 111195 spinal column are held together by muscles rather than by ligaments, as in humans,repparttar 111196 cat can elongate or contract its back, curve it forward, or oscillate it alongrepparttar 111197 vertebral line. The construction ofrepparttar 111198 shoulder joints permitsrepparttar 111199 cat to turn its foreleg in almost any direction. The hip joint enables a cat to leap easily. Other special joints allow a cat to turn its head to reach most parts of its body. A cat uses its tail for balancing while jumping or falling. All cats have an excellent sense of balance, which enables them to leap and pounce with ease. The cat's claws are designed for catching and holding prey. The sharp hooked retractile claws are sheathed in a soft, leathery pocket atrepparttar 111200 end of each toe, and are extended for fighting, hunting and climbing. The claws usually are retracted underrepparttar 111201 skin by elastic ligaments, which are a type of connective tissue. However, whenrepparttar 111202 claws are needed, certain muscles quickly pullrepparttar 111203 tendons connected torepparttar 111204 claws. This action extendsrepparttar 111205 claws. A cat has five toes on each forepaw, including a thumblike inner toe that is helpful in catching prey. Each hindpaw has four toes. Some cats have extra toes. Each of a cat's toes ends in a sharp hooklike claw. Several spongy pads of thick skin coverrepparttar 111206 bottoms of a cat's feet. The pads cushionrepparttar 111207 paws and enable a cat to move quietly. Cat hunts and kills birds, rats, mice, insects, rabbits, frogs, squirrels, lizards, snakes, fishes, cockroaches and other small animals. Cats are most skillful hunters out of all other animals. A cat usually hunts alone instead of hunting in groups because hiding and pouncing cannot be successful in a group whereas dogs always hunt in groups. Cats are able to catch other animals by approaching them swiftly and quietly on padded feet. Or they may wait motionless until an animal comes close and then spring upon it suddenly. Cats also have a keen sense of balance and can easily walk alongrepparttar 111208 tops of narrow fences or along narrow ledges. When cats fall, they almost always land on their feet. Most cats hunt at night. Cats generally are nocturnal in habit. All cats are excellent fisherman. Cats can be used as catchers of fish. Cats run faster than any other animal. A domestic cat can run at speeds of upto thirty miles per hour. Cheetah run faster than any animal. Cheetah can run at speeds of seventy miles per hour. Cats are also excellent swimmers. Some cats can do swim for pleasure and some cats speciallyrepparttar 111209 tiger swim for long distances. All cats have retractable claws. All cats walk onrepparttar 111210 tips of their toes, not onrepparttar 111211 soles of their feet. The Giraffe and Camel arerepparttar 111212 only known animals that walk onrepparttar 111213 tips of their toes similar to cats. Cats walk on their toes, their steps cushioned by pads, which aid silent hunting and enable them to move swiftly when they need to pounce. Cats are sleepiest of all mammals. A cat sleeps for sixteen to eighteen hours in a day. Pet cat prefers to sleep in laundry basket, chair, bed, on a window sill or in a box while stray cats always sleep in safe places. A newborn kitten is unable to see, hear or walk. All kittens are born with blue eyes. The colour of eyes of kitten changes as they become old. Kittens start walking atrepparttar 111214 age of about two weeks. Whiskers are long straight hairs that protrude fromrepparttar 111215 lips of cats. The whiskers are sensitive to air currents. Whiskers or vibrissae are delicate sensitive organs of touch equivalent to fingertips of human beings. Whiskers may help catch reflections of sound, thus serving somewhatrepparttar 111216 same function as antennae do in other animals. Asrepparttar 111217 air moves,repparttar 111218 whiskers vibrate and cats use messages in these vibrations to senserepparttar 111219 presence, size and shape of nearby objects without seeing or touching them. Cat also uses its whiskers for determining width of a gap. Cats have about twenty four movable whiskers, twelve on either side of their nose. Small groups of whiskers are also situated on other parts ofrepparttar 111220 body as well such as onrepparttar 111221 outer edges of cheeks, aboverepparttar 111222 eyes and onrepparttar 111223 back ofrepparttar 111224 front legs. The whiskers function as radars in cats. Cats have retractable claws. The useful websites related to cats are,, op/recreation/pets/cats,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , ,, , eleport/partners/discovery.aspURL=http://www.discovery. For information about cats visitrepparttar 111225 website of animal planet channel cat guide at For more information on cats visitrepparttar 111226 website of Encyclopedia Encarta at,visitrepparttar 111227 encyclodedia Aniwa at and visitrepparttar 111228 website of Encyclopedia Britannica at .Visitrepparttar 111229 website of discovery channel at

I am owner and webmaster of website am working in SPCA Mumbai for the past seven years.I am also a cat dentist.

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