Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Written by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Continued from page 1

As a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, I take a different approach torepparttar treatment and prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome. After a thorough neurological examination, I determine which part ofrepparttar 144208 nervous system is not functioning properly.

The right brain controlsrepparttar 144209 left side ofrepparttar 144210 body, andrepparttar 144211 left brain controlsrepparttar 144212 right side ofrepparttar 144213 body. If a patient is experiencing pain on one side ofrepparttar 144214 body (right or left),repparttar 144215 opposite brain may be firing at an abnormally high rate. In order for a patient to perceive pain, an area ofrepparttar 144216 brain must fire at a higher frequency. Ifrepparttar 144217 pain is bilateral (on both sides), there may be different central structures involved, such asrepparttar 144218 brain stem or cerebellum.

Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist with over twenty years of experience in private practice, over 850 hours of neurological studies, and 3800 hours of postgraduate education. His best-selling book "What Do You Do When the Medications Don't Work? - A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia, and Other Chronic Conditions" is available wherever books are sold. © 2005 M. L. Johnson

Work/Repetitive Stress Injuries

Written by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Continued from page 1

As a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, I take a different approach torepparttar treatment and prevention of work related injuries. After a thorough neurological examination, I determine which part ofrepparttar 144207 nervous system is not functioning properly.

The right brain controlsrepparttar 144208 left side ofrepparttar 144209 body, andrepparttar 144210 left brain controlsrepparttar 144211 right side ofrepparttar 144212 body. Ifrepparttar 144213 patient is experiencing pain on one side ofrepparttar 144214 body (right or left),repparttar 144215 opposite brain may be firing at an abnormally high rate. In order forrepparttar 144216 patient to perceive pain, an area ofrepparttar 144217 brain must fire at a higher frequency of firing. Ifrepparttar 144218 pain is bilateral (on both sides), there may be different central structures involved, such asrepparttar 144219 brain stem or cerebellum.

No matter whatrepparttar 144220 condition, it is imperative thatrepparttar 144221 chiropractic neurologist performs a thorough comprehensive exam to determinerepparttar 144222 exact nature ofrepparttar 144223 patient's condition.

Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist with over twenty years of experience in private practice, over 850 hours of neurological studies, and 3800 hours of postgraduate education. His best-selling book "What Do You Do When the Medications Don't Work? - A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia, and Other Chronic Conditions" is available wherever books are sold. © 2005 M. L. Johnson

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