Caramel Corn

Written by Joyce Moseley Pierce

Continued from page 1

Plan to make more than one batch because you'll want to eatrepparttar first one! Great for Christmas or birthday gifts. I gave this as a Christmas gift to my co-workers one year andrepparttar 111486 next year they started hinting for it again in September.

Once completely cooled, break uprepparttar 111487 chunks, put it in a plastic holiday bag and tie with a festive ribbon. If you eat a lot of ice creamrepparttar 111488 containers with lids make a great receptacle for packingrepparttar 111489 caramel corn. Save your ice cream containers throughoutrepparttar 111490 year, wash them out, line with plastic wrap and stick a bow onrepparttar 111491 top. Includerepparttar 111492 recipe and directions unless you want to tell them it's an old family secret, but let me warn you that if you don't sharerepparttar 111493 recipe, they will come back next year begging for more.

Joyce is a freelance writer and owner of Emerson Publications. She is the creator of "All They'll Need to Know," a workbook to help families record personal and financial information. She is also the editor of The Family First Newsletter, an ezine for families with young children. To subscribe:

Jalapeno Jelly

Written by Joyce Moseley Pierce

Continued from page 1

Pepper Jelly 14 hot peppers (jalapeno) 4 sweet peppers (red) 3 cups white vinegar 10 cups sugar 2 pouches pectin 2 tsp red (or green) food coloring

Cut peppers. Discard seeds and stem. Grind peppers in blender with vinegar. Move this mixture to a large pan and place on your stove burner. Add sugar, bring to boil, and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and skim. Add 2 pouches pectin and food coloring. Boil hard for one minute. Seal hot.

One year for Christmas I cannedrepparttar jelly in half pint jars and gave them as gifts. I made a label with a jalapeno onrepparttar 111485 front and tied a holiday ribbon around repparttar 111486 lid. You might also add a Southwest fabric to lay underrepparttar 111487 screw top lid. One friend was so excited she grabbed a spoon and ate it right out ofrepparttar 111488 jar!

In addition to being great for dipping with crackers, it's great on toast or as a ham glaze. It adds a "kick" wherever it's used. You may even find yourself reaching for a spoon!

Joyce is a freelance writer and owner of Emerson Publications. She is the creator of "All They'll Need to Know," a workbook to help families record personal and financial information. She is also the editor of The Family First Newsletter, an ezine for families with young children. To subscribe:

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