Canadian Immigration

Written by Dave Lympany

Continued from page 1

If you only need to complete a few exams or courses to change over torepparttar Canadian system then great, if not, make plans so that you can support yourselves duringrepparttar 101308 time it takes to recertify. Also, try to make sure that there will be a good chance of employment available once you’ve qualified.

Definitely have a back up career chosen or identify anything you could easily cross over into as things rarely work out as you intend. If you readrepparttar 101309 “Our Story” page on our Canadian Immigration information website , you’ll see that events transpired that meant my Plan A and Plan B both went wrong. Luckily some earlier research paid off and I managed to “the right job” within 6 weeks.

To close this article, DO NOT rely on your settling funds to last – I would thoroughly recommend working anywhere to start with – our budget gave us 6 months without work but in reality we’d have been in trouble in 4!!!! A servers or Bar job can be very lucrative but even $1,000 a month means that your money will last longer or help with retraining costs. My wife, Andie, worked inrepparttar 101310 local movie store almost straight away and apart fromrepparttar 101311 money it means you meet people and start making contacts. Asrepparttar 101312 saying goes “it’s not what you know it’s who you know”.

Whatever you decide about your Canadian Immigration adventure, please ensure you fully research your employability – is packed full of great FREE information about Canadian Immigration and if it’s not onrepparttar 101313 site, there’ll be a link torepparttar 101314 relevant authority.


Dave Lympany

The author immigrated to Canada in 2003 and has constructed a free information website about Canadian Immigration based on his family’s experiences.

Immigrated to Canada in January 2003 and has developed a free information website about Canadian Immigration to help others

Cleaning House and the 80-20 Rule

Written by Rosana Hart

Continued from page 1

You can probably make up lots of examples ofrepparttar 80-20 rule that apply to your own ways of cleaning house and of keeping things picked up. Perhaps eighty percent ofrepparttar 101307 dirty dishes left lying around come from one person. Perhaps eighty percent of your frustration with how your house looks could be solved by doing twenty percent of what you think you should.

Rosana Hart tries to put eighty percent of her work time into the twenty percent of activities that will be most effective. She tells you about the opportunities for cleaning houses and offices for a living at her website, There are also more tips there for cleaning houses (your own or anyone's).

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