Can you make you customers buy like Crazy

Written by Ron Cripps

Continued from page 1

Most importantly of all you need to get excited about your adcopy so it reflects that excitment and your benefits are packed full of have to have information making sure your prospective customer dares not leave your website.

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Do I have your attention I hope so because this headline is full of benefit for YOU!

By usingrepparttar words "you" or "your" you are gettingrepparttar 139749 customer involved right fromrepparttar 139750 opening of your website,if you fail to capture their attention with-inrepparttar 139751 first 5 seconds of visiting your website, statistics show you have just lost a prospective customer.

Remember if they leave your site all is not lost if your adcopy has done its job you have either made a sale or just picked up a subscriber to your website.

Are you looking for more... Internet Marketing

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Ron is the Author and Webmaster of and has been in the Internet Marketing business for some years now.

Ad Copywriting: Building Brand Equity one Word at a Time

Written by Jon Wuebben

Continued from page 1

5)Don’t use Clichés! Nothing more really needs to be said on that one. Just make sure they don’t creep in.

6)Make Every Word Count. This is where ad copywriting really becomes an art form. To make every word count means that you have to get rid ofrepparttar fluff and keeprepparttar 139402 meaningful words. You’ll find when you do this thatrepparttar 139403 ad will take on a whole new look and feel. Butrepparttar 139404 real impact is made when it is read. An ad that keeps onlyrepparttar 139405 words that count is an ad that will read very well.

7)Use Short, Snappy Sentences. Saverepparttar 139406 long drawn out, adjective filled ones for those term papers or essays. That’srepparttar 139407 only place they belong. People are drawn to copy that is punchy, snappy and torepparttar 139408 point. Usingrepparttar 139409 present tense andrepparttar 139410 active voice will go a long way to getting you there. Good ads always use them. You also know it when you see it. And it always makes a better impression.

8)Use AIDA. Attention-Interest-Desire-Action. If you remember nothing else from this article, remember this. With any advertisement, this is reallyrepparttar 139411 “foundation” on which everything else is built. Quite simply, it’s: Grabrepparttar 139412 reader’s attention, build their interest, create a desire in them, and make them take action. Of course, it’s very easy to say this is what you need to do. The harder question is “how do you do it?” Well think of yourself. What makes you buy something? After you figure that out, then apply it torepparttar 139413 copy you are writing.

9)Write about Benefits! People love to know what’s in it for them. In fact, they really want to know what’s in it for them! But how many websites or ads have you seen that just talk about how greatrepparttar 139414 product or service is? The goal is to express how this product or service will positively impact your customer’s life. The features ofrepparttar 139415 product orrepparttar 139416 details aboutrepparttar 139417 company are important, but they are second string torepparttar 139418 first string status of benefits. It takes practice, but it will come. People are just so conditioned to talk about features, that they forget aboutrepparttar 139419 most important part…BENEFITS!

That’s it! Nine simple steps to keep in mind when writing that next world class, award winning ad! And if you really follow all of them, winning an award could truly be a reality. Because whenrepparttar 139420 right words come together withrepparttar 139421 right image, that’s when people will magically…and faithfully….BUY!

Good Luck!

Jon Wuebben is a professional Website Copywriter, SEO Copywriter and Advertising Copywriter with 10 years experience in B2B & B2C copywriting and marketing. He can be reached at (909) 437-7015, or online at for any copywriting project you may have or if you would like more articles or a complimentary Website Copy analysis.

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