Can you make money working at home?

Written by Paula Wilson

Continued from page 1

Affilate marketing is one ofrepparttar easiest ways to make money. Most affilate programs are free to join and give yourepparttar 102325 opportunity to offer great deals such as free satellite and unlimited video game rentals. Once you join affilate programs, you will need to create a webpage with your programs and participate in website promotion via search engine optimization and search engine submission.

Other ways to get your website noticed are to use article promotion and link exchanges. With link exchanges, you would ad text or graphic links of other related sites onto your site, and they would ad your site information onto their site. This will get your site noticed by more people and will improve your search engine ratings.

The key to being successful working at home is to have a positive outlook. Don't ever give up!

Paula Wilson is a WAHM and the owner of

One Simple Method I Use To Skyrocket My Affiliate Revenue

Written by Richard Adams

Continued from page 1

"Forrepparttar best games computer I've found, click here"

Secondly, of those people that *do* click through, very few will actually find what they want because you're not specifically sending them torepparttar 102324 exact product that matches their needs.

Now, text links just likerepparttar 102325 example above, inserted at bothrepparttar 102326 top and bottom of every page, will garner much higher clickthrough rates than any banner ad, but if we ultra-target, we can boost our results much, much more.

Provide lots of options to your visitors, inrepparttar 102327 form of links to other pages. Pages that pander to all sorts of different scenarios:

- Are you looking forrepparttar 102328 cheapest computer? - Are you searching forrepparttar 102329 latest model of computer? - Do you want to do desktop publishing with your computer? - Are you new to computers and looking for an easy option?

And so on.

If necessary, break it down even further.

Get your visitors to choose their country. Then what style they're looking for. Orrepparttar 102330 price they're willing to pay.

So long as your visitors feel they're getting close to a solution to their problem, you should be able to take them through 3 or 4 pages without annoying them.

Then, on each of these "subpages" that you've created, find a suitable solution for your patient visitor.

Providerepparttar 102331 link they've come looking for.

No, don't just "provide" it, "prove" it. Discuss it. Argue it. Compare it with others. Describe your experience of shopping there. Ask others for their opinions.

Make it not only a highly targetted option, but also one you turn into such a perfect-sounding solution, they just *have* to click it.

They'll be so targetted that your clickthrough rates will skyrocket.

And as you've carefully matchedrepparttar 102332 affiliate program with your lead, your sales will also increase considerably.

You win both ways.

One further way you'll benefit is that these sub-pages are exactlyrepparttar 102333 sort of highly targetted pages thatrepparttar 102334 search engines love - bringing in even more traffic (and sales).

Andrepparttar 102335 fact you're creating keyword rich links pointing to these sub-pages will help them (and your main homepage) rank even higher.

Did you notice how many times I naturally managed to includerepparttar 102336 word "computer" inrepparttar 102337 links above?

Search engines - and Google in particular - *love* this.

Lastly, if you want to see two examples of sites that ultra- target, check outrepparttar 102338 following two links:

> >

============================================================ Richard Adams is the author of Ebook Sales Assistant. How to create an ebook sales site - on a tight budget, with no technical knowledge and in a matter of days. What's more, the book has a *killer* affiliate program. Click Here Now => ============================================================

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