Can the Internet Foster Intelligent Conversation?

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

The man was visibly upset and said thatrepparttar Internet was not a good place for people to exchange ideas and have conversations. I laughed and replied thatrepparttar 118420 Internet is very young and how could he judge it so harshly in such a black and white manner? He ironically sounded a little likerepparttar 118421 fascists that he disliked so much when he retorted that no great ideas had ever come from people onrepparttar 118422 Internet, and for that matter, a 'real' conversation between people had to be conducted face to face. Well, I could have mentioned that onrepparttar 118423 telephone you cannot 'see' anyone's face, but I thought I'd try to explain my position onrepparttar 118424 matter a bit more positively.

I told him thatrepparttar 118425 Internet was just a simple tool of communication that was bringing individuals closer together. You can see someone acrossrepparttar 118426 world with a web cam whilst hearing his or her voice perfectly. I then mentioned thatrepparttar 118427 Internet was doing exactly what he felt was necessary for society to flourish inrepparttar 118428 future; it is giving voice to individuals' ideas like never before in human history. The guy was then really starting to lose his cool and was getting quite upset. I then thought I'd mentionrepparttar 118429 idea thatrepparttar 118430 Web was dissolvingrepparttar 118431 concept of national borders as anyone could talk to anybody else freely withrepparttar 118432 simple realization that all people arerepparttar 118433 same. People are no longer forced to think of other nationalities as separate 'types' of people that one should steer away from.

By this timerepparttar 118434 guy had become very irate and said vehemently that there is nothing wrong with having separate nations. He then contradicted himself and agreed with me by saying thatrepparttar 118435 'Empire' only wanted to 'divide and conquer' and split countries into even smaller entities that could then be taken over. I replied softly that that process inevitably produced more unnecessary borders between fellow humans.

The main point that stuck with me afterrepparttar 118436 conversation ended wasrepparttar 118437 fact that it wasrepparttar 118438 mentioning ofrepparttar 118439 Internet as a positive medium for communication and enlightenment that so severely upsetrepparttar 118440 guy. I guess no matter how knowledgeable aboutrepparttar 118441 world and sure of yourself that you are, if there are things that you are still unaware of, or in this case close-minded to because of some irrational fear; like a link that snaps in a chain, so will your peace and calm will be shattered by ignorance and anger.

Spirituality and morality can be discussed on many different mediums...Politics and economics must berepparttar 118442 same.

Jesse S. Somer M6.Net Jesse S. Somer is an individual soul who may not know a lot, but knows that the Internet could be a great factor in the process of bringing humanity together into one big family here on Earth.

Blogs: Today’s Internet Diary and Marketing Tool

Written by Glenn Prialde

Continued from page 1

A Blog is easily crawled by search engines because it is a content based site and search engines loves sites with great content volumes. I have a Blog my self at and with in 24 hours I can already search my Blog at Google Search.

A Blog is a great tool indeed. The answer now torepparttar question, “Do I Really Need It?” is up to you to answer. Just remember no site is great without others knowing it.

Here are some ofrepparttar 118419 Blogs I love to spend some time on.

And here are some of sites offering free Blogs.

And try this site to advertise your Blog.

Glenn is the owner and creator of iSnare – a free articles site that offers unlimited free article submission and free reprint. iSnare can also write great contents for your site, visit

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