Can You Control It?

Written by Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW

Continued from page 1

Admitting powerlessness in a situation does not remove responsibility. For instance,repparttar alcoholic who admits powerlessness over alcohol is still responsible forrepparttar 126178 effects of his/her disease on everyone around them, as well as for their recovery today and inrepparttar 126179 future. This is covered beautifully in steps 2-12 ofrepparttar 126180 12 Steps.

There's a second catch though... a good one. There's tremendous freedom in a genuine admission of powerlessness. It's as though repparttar 126181 heavy chains you've been locked into place with, fall torepparttar 126182 floor. It's like taking your first big breath of fresh air after nearly suffocating. The weight of a burden is cast away and a different approach has its beginning.

Figuring out what you have influence over and what you do not can be a challenge. If you were to take a sheet of paper and create two columns, one withrepparttar 126183 heading "Can Influence" andrepparttar 126184 other with "Powerless Over," this will assist you inrepparttar 126185 process of determining what areas of your life go where. This will make this process simpler. There will be some areas you'll have to discern over. They will not conform easily to one side orrepparttar 126186 other, and there may be components of a problem which you can influence and other parts you cannot control.

Let's take an in-law problem, for example. This one would likely belong in both columns. You may not be able to control what your in-law does (area for acceptance), but, atrepparttar 126187 same time, you can set boundaries as well as decide what kinds of thoughts and behaviors you will display when this person is around you.

I'll leave you with another very popular tool to help you with achieving peace and joy in your life. We know it as The Serenity Prayer. It was originally spoken in a presentation given in 1932 by Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr. It wasrepparttar 126188 ending to a much longer prayer. Here is how we know it today:



Grant merepparttar 126189 SERENITY To ACCEPTrepparttar 126190 things I cannot change... COURAGE to changerepparttar 126191 things I can... andrepparttar 126192 WISDOM to knowrepparttar 126193 difference.


Takerepparttar 126194 necessary steps today to unburden yourself of just one area of your life that you are powerless over. You can do it. You will discover a new freedom by taking this unique action today.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW is an author, university faculty member, success coach and veteran psychotherapist whose passion is guiding others to their own success in life. For weekly doses of the webs HOTTEST success tips, sign up for Dave’s powerful “Feeling Great!” ezine at \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Shakespeare and Human Nature

Written by Lady Camelot

Continued from page 1

Human nature is intriquitely defined by its owner. If we wish to merely exist, then exist we do. But if we take his question to a higher state of mind, we find life's perfect answer: Mankind's nature is to evolve. Not only to simply exist but to assure nonextinction of our species. We must use our natural instincts and capabilities to overcome and conquer. That, as in all things, must mature and ripen to a state of wholeness. Human nature may fool those and lure unsuspecting travelers of time, butrepparttar higher truth of human nature isrepparttar 126177 self exploration of life andrepparttar 126178 ability to broaden horizons ofrepparttar 126179 self or "alter ego" and other individuals so they, too may come to see and equally realizerepparttar 126180 unequivocal and honest meaning of life.

Yes, Shakespeare conquered literature with his defined works of human nature; butrepparttar 126181 question he asks of us still confuses evenrepparttar 126182 most intelligent and collegiate individuals of our time. In this day and age, we have a choice "to be or not to be." This is no longer an inquiry but an option. We, as Humans, must chooserepparttar 126183 path of higher truth and awareness. By remaining unattached, we choose not to fully exist. A play of words can tantalizerepparttar 126184 senses, but Human nature can enrichrepparttar 126185 world in which we live. The choice is yours.

(c) Lady Camelot

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