Can Sleeping 8 Hours Kill You Faster?

Written by Kacper Postawski

Continued from page 1

People usually sleep longer because their sleeping system is not being taken proper care of. They feel low on energy duringrepparttar day, and think they need more sleep. In actuality, they feel low on energy because they have a weak sleep system, not because they're sleeping too little. If you're currently sleeping around 8 to 10 hours and you feel LOW on energy duringrepparttar 114157 day, it's not because you need more sleep. YOU NEED LESS SLEEP, and MORE ENERGY from your sleep.

Sleeping less actually INCREASESrepparttar 114158 strength of your sleeping system. The problem is, most people don't know anything about proper sleep system hygiene, or how to strengthen their inner sleep system. Only withrepparttar 114159 proper knowledge can you learn to optimize and strengthen your sleeping system, to have more energy and a higher level of health. Only once you've optimized your sleeping system for maximum performance can you reduce your sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About The Author:

Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher andrepparttar 114160 creator ofrepparttar 114161 “Powerful Sleep - Secrets ofrepparttar 114162 Inner Sleep Clock” system on He can show you how to reduce your sleep by up to 3 hours, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by sleeping LESS! Not more. He dispelsrepparttar 114163 “8 hour sleep myth”, tells you what most people never realize about sleep, and whatrepparttar 114164 drug companies DONT WANT YOU to know. Go to: to find out more about Powerful Sleep.

Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher and the creator of the “Powerful Sleep - Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock” system on He can show you how to reduce your sleep by up to 3 hours, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by sleeping LESS!

Why Poor Sleep Lowers Your Immune System

Written by Kacper Postawski

Continued from page 1

************************************************ About The Author:

Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher andrepparttar creator ofrepparttar 114156 “Powerful Sleep - Secrets ofrepparttar 114157 Inner Sleep Clock” system on He can show you how to reduce your sleep by up to 3 hours, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by sleeping LESS! Not more. He dispelsrepparttar 114158 “8 hour sleep myth”, tells you what most people never realize about sleep, and whatrepparttar 114159 drug companies DONT WANT YOU to know. Go to: to find out more about Powerful Sleep. ************************************************

About The Author:

Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher and the creator of the “Powerful Sleep - Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock” system on He can show you how to reduce your sleep by up to 3 hours, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by sleeping LESS! Not more.

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