COOLEST Ideas for a Blue's Clues Kid Birthday Party 

Written by Elad "The Birthday Dad"

Continued from page 1

Tip: you can serve many things in dog dishes or sandpails with shovels.


*Blue's Punch - blue Kool-Aid (or you can freeze blue punch in ice cube trays and haverepparttar kids put them in a clear drink like sprite or 7-up...) *Magenta Punch - raspberry sherbet, sprite, and berry punch juice concentrate *The Blue's Shake - place 2 cups of vanilla ice cream, 1 ¼ cups of low fat milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar into a blender and mix until combined. Then add blue food coloring a little at a time untilrepparttar 110378 mixture is a nice shade of blue. For a thicker shake, place it inrepparttar 110379 freezer. *Blue Lemonade - Blue loves lemonade!! You can turn any ordinary lemonade into a Blue's Clues drink by adding 1 pint of pureed blueberries.

Tip: Try freezing Blues Clues fruit snacks in ice trays and thenrepparttar 110380 kids have Blue appear in their cups when you droprepparttar 110381 ice-cubes into their drinks.


*Blue Jell-O (in dog bone shapes) *Blue's Clues Applesauce (found at most supermarkets-or just put blue food coloring in applesauce). *Blue Jellybeans *Dog chow (any mix of dried cereals-Chex would be good) *Blue Tortilla Chips with blue sourcream (just mix in blue food coloring) *Blue Cotton Candy *Blue Popsicles *Mr. Salt's salted pretzel sticks

Tip: Most grocery stores carry many Blue's Clues snacks, and you might be able to find fruit snacks, crackers, applesauce, and many other kinds of Blue Clues licensed by Nick Jr.

Party Favors

A neat Blue's Clues idea for favors is to make your own DOGGIE bag favors? You can take blue bags or use a Shovel and Pail. Put inside trinkets such as personalized dog key chains, personalized dog bones, a magnifying glass, mini paw tattoos, a bone cookie, Blue's Clues stickers, blue crayons, blue candies, happy face items (to represent FACE), and anything else you can think of. Another variation of this favor idea is to put these trinkets in dog bowls withrepparttar 110382 names ofrepparttar 110383 kids written onrepparttar 110384 bowls.

Another way to hand out favors is to make a giant mailbox out of an empty paper carton and poster board. Then put allrepparttar 110385 goodies in large white envelopes and put them inrepparttar 110386 mailbox. Atrepparttar 110387 end ofrepparttar 110388 party, your kid can have "Mail Time" (just like inrepparttar 110389 show) andrepparttar 110390 birthday child can hand outrepparttar 110391 envelopes to her departing guests.

Games and Activities

The Snoop: Hide about 40 cardboard bones or bone-shaped cookies at "dog height", and haverepparttar 110392 kid puppies hunt on hands and knees for them.

Doggy Drink Race: What you'll need for this Blue's Clues game are two or three doggy dishes. Put Jell-O or any kind of drink in these doggy dishes and haverepparttar 110393 kids kneel besiderepparttar 110394 dishes with their hands behind their backs and see who finishes firstrepparttar 110395 doggy drink. This is always hilarious!

Barking Contest: A hilarious game idea is to host your very own barking contest where everyone is a winner. Each kid gets to give their best bark, and then you can award prizes for loudest, saddest, most real, squeakiest, funniest, etc.

Shovel And Pail Relay: For this cool game, get two sets of sand buckets and shovels and draw Shovel and Pail faces on each of them. Then form two teams and have a relay race whererepparttar 110396 kids have to pick up a small block with Shovel and then run torepparttar 110397 other side ofrepparttar 110398 room to dump it intorepparttar 110399 pail. The first team to put all their blocks into Pail isrepparttar 110400 winner.

Blue's Bubble Doodles: This Blue Clues game needs to be played outside. You'll need blue food coloring, white paper, and bubbles (you can make your own bubble mixture by mixing ½ a cup of dishwashing liquid, 2 tablespoons of glycerin - found at drug stores, and 5 cups of water. STIR, do not shake). Addrepparttar 110401 blue food coloring torepparttar 110402 bubble mixture and give each kid a sheet of white drawing paper. Have one or more adults blow bubbles and tell each kid to try and catchrepparttar 110403 bubbles on their sheet of paper. Asrepparttar 110404 bubbles pop they make a design onrepparttar 110405 paper. See who can come closest to making a paw print.

Let's Find Blue's Clues: Beforerepparttar 110406 party, think of several clues that'll be easy for your age group. Write each clue on an index card or a piece of notebook paper, and add a blue paw print to each. Here is an idea for a clue: "I'm cold onrepparttar 110407 inside, and I run all day and all night long." Whenrepparttar 110408 kids figure out thatrepparttar 110409 answer torepparttar 110410 clue is a refrigerator (you can try giving them more hints if they don't figure it out), have everyone look insiderepparttar 110411 refrigerator forrepparttar 110412 next clue. Hiderepparttar 110413 remaining clues all aroundrepparttar 110414 house, party area or yard (you can haverepparttar 110415 last clue lead torepparttar 110416 birthday cake for a tasty surprise!). This is always a fun-filled child party idea!

Mystery Clue Balloons: Hide all kinds of party favors everywhere aroundrepparttar 110417 party area. Then write clues on little notebook papers or a printed paw (each clue leading to a different party favor). Roll these papers up and slip them inside balloons that you'll blow up and hang as decorations. Then, whenrepparttar 110418 game is about to start, tellrepparttar 110419 kids to choose a balloon and pop it and userepparttar 110420 clue to findrepparttar 110421 missing party favor.

Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper Bean Bag Toss: To make your own Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper bean bags take two pieces of white felt, hot glue two edges, fill with uncooked rice and hot gluerepparttar 110422 other two edges. Dorepparttar 110423 same with black felt and put faces on them. Then take a red plastic pail and yellow shovel and add details so that they look like Shovel and Pail. The object ofrepparttar 110424 game is to use Shovel to toss Mr. Salt and Mrs. pepper into Pail (try all kinds of distances).

Elad Shippony is father to 2 little girls & 2 BIG kid party Websites. provides parents with a gigantic selection of FREE kid party ideas. is the Web’s largest gallery of homemade birthday cake photos & how-to tips. Both sites will blow you (& your candles) away!

7 Powerful Ways to Show Love to Children

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

5. Give Your Children Encouragement.

Encouraging words are powerful emotional deposits of confidence and self-esteem. Verbally acknowledge your children's special talents and accomplishments. Catch your children doing something great, and tell them what a great job they have done.

Children need to know that we recognize and support their hopes and dreams forrepparttar future. Encouraging children to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually providesrepparttar 110377 foundation for living a balanced life.

6. Share Your Experiences with Your Children.

We each have valuable stories to tell, unique maps of our journey through life. These stories tell how our reactions to events createdrepparttar 110378 life we are living now. Sharingrepparttar 110379 benefit of your experiences —repparttar 110380 roadblocks and rewards — is a very loving way to guide your children.

Your children may face many ofrepparttar 110381 situations you faced. Your experiences can help them make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary mistakes. Amongrepparttar 110382 most worthwhile possessions that we can someday leave for our children are journals filled withrepparttar 110383 stories that shaped our lives.

7. Love and Support Your Children Unconditionally.

Love is an unconditional gift fromrepparttar 110384 heart; it is not a reward for good behavior. Let your children know that you will love and support them in any situation. This message creates a sturdy bond of trust. Your children will grow to feel safe in coming to you with any problem they face.

Children needrepparttar 110385 freedom to make decisions, try new things, and learn that life requires personal responsibility and persistence. They needrepparttar 110386 freedom to fail and learn from mistakes without being judged. Unconditional love helps them to acquirerepparttar 110387 decisiveness and resiliency required to become successful.

If you could sum up all of our children's needs, hopes, and expectations in one word, that word would be love. We share love when we play a central role in our children's world of learning and discovery. Our legacy of love will have a guiding influence upon our children and grandchildren for many generations.

© Copyright 2005 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Get the next issue by visiting

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