Written by Mercedes Hayes

Continued from page 1

This leads us torepparttar next issue that pertains especially to building a log home. Normally, banks release a draw afterrepparttar 147688 work has been completed. However, log home manufacturers require COD whenrepparttar 147689 logs are delivered (or ideallyrepparttar 147690 day before). Historically this had been a bone of contention betweenrepparttar 147691 banks and manufacturers, until certain banks tookrepparttar 147692 lead and set up accounts directly withrepparttar 147693 log home companies. This expeditedrepparttar 147694 whole process. These direct deposits become draws on your construction loan.  

EXAMPLE: In our case, we ordered a total of 11 draws. On settlement ofrepparttar 147695 construction loan,repparttar 147696 bank started us with about $38,000 for misc. expenses. We used much of this to bridgerepparttar 147697 gap between draws (the contractors want to get paid regularly). There was a draw forrepparttar 147698 Log Kit deposit. There was a draw for our Superior Walls precast foundation (another direct deposit). Another draw paid forrepparttar 147699 COD log delivery; another draw paid forrepparttar 147700 window delivery.   Then things got more tricky, becauserepparttar 147701 next draw coveredrepparttar 147702 well and septic, which had to be completed first. Oncerepparttar 147703 log walls were raised another draw came, another whenrepparttar 147704 "weathered-in shell" was complete, and another draw whenrepparttar 147705 mechanicals were installed. The last draw came atrepparttar 147706 end ofrepparttar 147707 project, butrepparttar 147708 bank wouldn't releaserepparttar 147709 money until we had stainedrepparttar 147710 house and planted grass seed. They wanted to make surerepparttar 147711 house was ready for sale. 

With luck, you won't be delayed by weather or on-site errors, which could derail your whole plan. However, if you don't have some extra money set aside, your contractors might quit working until they get paid, knowing full well that you won't get paid untilrepparttar 147712 work is finished. Coffee and donuts help to keep relations smooth, but nothing works like cash.

And remember: if by some miracle you don't use allrepparttar 147713 money you requested inrepparttar 147714 construction loan, you can always giverepparttar 147715 rest back. So don't cut corners. Estimate high, spend less, and you just might have enough left over for that luxury item you always wanted.

About the author: Mercedes Hayes is a Hiawatha Log Home dealer and also a Realtor in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She designed her own log home which was featured in the 2004 Floor Plan Guide of Log Home Living magazine. You can learn more about log homes by visiting

Making a Pen with Your New Wood Lathe

Written by Kaitlin Carruth

Continued from page 1

4. Have an idea. As with everything else in life, your pen will turn out better if you have an idea on what you want to create before you start. Decide before usingrepparttar wood lathe on what type of shape you want your pen to be.

5. Markrepparttar 147630 wood blank before you cut. It is nice to put a pencil mark acrossrepparttar 147631 grain ofrepparttar 147632 wood before you start. This will make it easier to match uprepparttar 147633 grain pattern after you cutrepparttar 147634 wood blank.

6. Make sure your ends are square. Ifrepparttar 147635 ends of your wood blank are not perfectly square before usingrepparttar 147636 wood lathe, there will be possibilities of cracking whenrepparttar 147637 pen is assembled.

7. The smaller wood latherepparttar 147638 better. This tip is really just meant to make your life easier. Any wood lathe is suitable for pen turning; however,repparttar 147639 smallerrepparttar 147640 wood latherepparttar 147641 easier your job is.

8. Keep it simplerepparttar 147642 first couple of times. It is tempting to want to do some fun and intricate pen shapesrepparttar 147643 first couple of times but stick torepparttar 147644 basics until you figure out just exactly what it is you are doing.

A pen is an easy project that can help you withrepparttar 147645 beginning possibilities of your new wood lathe. After you conquer creating your own pen, there are several other projects to start with such as table and chair legs, wooden bowls, wooden hammers, candle sticks, or even pieces to a chess set. Just remember to begin with a simple project with your wood lathe to get use to your new tool before attempting more difficult projects.

Kaitlin Carruth is a client account specialist with 10xMarketing- More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For more information about wood lathes, please visit Tool America.

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