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What is going on? Can you imagine writing to Bill Gates, asking for a free PC, promising to pay as soon as it starts turning profits?
Or how about a free college tuition? "Let me go to school for a year, if I learn something new, I will pay".
Now, some of these claims may be true and sincere. Many people do not have
money to start their online venture. What should they do if that's
The answer is easy: self-education. That is how I started, and that's how most successful but low-budget ventures begin.
Subscribe to 10-15 different web marketing e-zines published by reputable authors, and read each issue thoroughly, with a marker in your hand.
Visit popular Internet Marketing forums, participate in free teleclasses offered by gurus, download and read free e-books on
Spend a few hours a week browsing
Internet for web sites of companies in your target area - learn what
competition is doing.
Always keep in mind - it's either TIME or MONEY. If you don't have one, invest

Milana Leshinsky is a professional web developer, and the author of "Create Your First Busines Web Site in 10 days".