Written by Tracy Brinkmann

Continued from page 1

You want to ask a question or questions that will move you forward and empower you to take action. Like: “How can I accomplish this project and enjoyrepparttar process?” Now you have directed any negative thinking to a more positive flow. This positive flow will encourage action and give you results.

If you are tackling a big problem ask questions like, “How can I break this down into workable steps?” “How can I solverepparttar 130776 first step,repparttar 130777 second step and so on?” Or “What isrepparttar 130778 first action to resolving this first step and so on?”

Should you be going through a “bad” experience -- if there is such a thing, for while we have experiences we don’t enjoy, are they truly BAD inrepparttar 130779 long run? Don’t we gain valuable knowledge and experience we can apply later? But I digress. Let us get back torepparttar 130780 topic at hand. If you are going through a “bad” experience, then channel your flow with questions like; “What can I learn from this experience?” “How can I grow from this experience?” “How can I keep this from happening to me again?” “How can I make lemonade out of this lemon?” (Remember Velcro was actually a failed experiment so wasrepparttar 130781 glue that now is used on Post-It Notes – both of these lemons have become sweet profitable lemonade forrepparttar 130782 inventors and their companies)

Now that you have asked your question(s) really let your mind run with it. Don’t just askrepparttar 130783 question once, ask it again and again. Whenever you have a minute of spare time or when your alone driving home, seriously mull overrepparttar 130784 question and let your mind turn over to yourepparttar 130785 ideas and actions that will bring you torepparttar 130786 positive results of changing your flow of thought.

(Oh, and remember don’t think about your shoes!) Think Successfully. Tracy

Tracy Brinkmann and Success Atlas provides motivational and educational material spiced up with humor and entertainment. Informing, educating and listening to keynotes does not have to be boring! We will put every effort to see to it that it is not Subscribe to our free newsletters on speaking and success:

Intentions, Hard Work, and Luck

Written by Jerry Lopper

Continued from page 1

So it is extremely important that you understand yourself--repparttar real you. Notrepparttar 130774 you constructed by others based on their views of success, butrepparttar 130775 you at your core—the you that calls in your dreams. You know who that is, even while you try to hide from it. You have glimpses of who you really are--and these glimpses thrill you. Perhaps your mind is used to taking over at this point, frightening you with allrepparttar 130776 reasons you can’t be that person your soul is calling for. If that’s where your thoughts take you--to a paralyzing fear--think again. Think another thought!

If your favorite saying is, "If it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all," spend some time in quiet meditation reflecting on who you really are. Consider where your passions lie. Recall your periods of great excitement, energy, and joy. During those times you are being who you really are. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live every day that way? And wouldn’t it be great to have luck on your side? It can be.

Copywrite 2003, all rights reserved. Jerry Lopper is an author, personal coach, and consultant. His workshops, ebooks, articles, and coaching are available through where you can sign up for complimentary articles and coaching. Get to know yourself, your real self through the Purpose in Life Workshop. For more information go to

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