Written by By Eva Dahm, CPCC, MA

Continued from page 1

Another client was seeking motivation for regular exercise. She decided her husband’s photo when he was a baby would keep her focused on getting into shape to begin a family.

I tried for years to be more disciplined about eating sweets. It would work for a while, and then I’d fall back into old habits. Then, I received a cholesterol reading above 200. This did not match my view of myself as healthy. I immediately stopped eating sweets and many white carbohydrates (potatoes, white bread, pasta, and rice). The change was immediate becauserepparttar test facts did not fit my view of me.


Your mind is another place to look when you want to make changes. What are you telling yourself aboutrepparttar 123207 area of concern? Are you eating incessantly (or smoking or working) and then feeling guilty about your choices? Arerepparttar 123208 things you say to yourself in your head meaner than you'd say to any other living being?

Many people believe that our thoughts produce our world. So be watchful of your thoughts. Be as gentle with yourself as you would with a small child or a favorite pet. You deserverepparttar 123209 same love you give others, even when your habits don’t live up to your own ideal. You can start to make a change by altering your thoughts. This isrepparttar 123210 power of affirmations. Begin thinking differently andrepparttar 123211 groundwork is laid to act differently.

A David Schumacher says, “So, if there are things in your life with which you are unhappy,repparttar 123212 solution, very simply and bluntly stated, is to change your thoughts. You are not a puppet on a string; you have freedom of choice and free will, so recognize this and use it to your advantage, not to your disadvantage. Mind becomes matter; it manifests itself as things in your life and as conditions in your body…”


1. Notice if you are looking for life lessons in your experiences. Are you open? 2. Visualize yourself afterrepparttar 123213 change. Use an image as a daily reminder ofrepparttar 123214 new you. 3. Make a plan and gather a support system. 4. Examine your perspective onrepparttar 123215 change. 5. Connectrepparttar 123216 change to a higher value. 6. Be aware of your thoughts and discouraging self-talk. Choose positive affirmations. 7. Move ahead despite any fears of failure (or success). Taking action when fear is present is a great confidence booster.

Keys torepparttar 123217 Kingdom, Five Fundamentals of Truth, “Mind Power” by David L. Schumacher.

Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.

Eva Dahm, MA and CPCC, of Coach Catalyst is a certified spiritual life coach with over four years of experience. Her clients are people in life or career transitions who have a spiritual base for themselves. She also does various workshops, speaking engagements, and eight-week holistic classes on the body’s chakras or energy centers as a map for personal growth. Contact her for a complimentary coaching session.

(P)Refer to Grow Your Business

Written by Miami Phillips

Continued from page 1

Don't bail him out. Be honest with him, and yourself. Refer him to someone who can help him if necessary. Try this: "Joe, although I appreciate your business, in my opinion my company is not serving you inrepparttar manner you require, and this is not a good fit for both of us. With your permission, I am going to refer you to a company that I believe will be a much better match for your needs."

You should have a list of at least 100 people of every profession to whom you refer business and expect them to returnrepparttar 123206 favor. You haven't done that? Refer Joe to an organizational, or business coach. Refer him to a competitor. Let them have him. You get rid of him and saddle them atrepparttar 123207 same time! Seriously though, you need to keep your priorities in line and in focus. Customers like Joe, no matter how well they pay, are seldom profitable when you factor in time, actual costs and energy consumed.

Focus onrepparttar 123208 customers or clients you want to attract, and make sure you have room in your business when they do show up. They always do.

Your Coach and online friend,


Miami Phillips Helping others find their path - and stay on it.

Quotation ofrepparttar 123209 Week Be carefulrepparttar 123210 environment you choose for it will shape you; be carefulrepparttar 123211 friends you choose for you will become like them. W. Clement Stone

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at or send him an email at

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