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The camp was for child Labour. The course was designed to suit to learning capacities of them. Therefore, each period was of 45 minits. And only two periods were taken continuously which followed by a break of 30 minits. To 2 Hours. To provide them healthy entertainment and to improve their general knowledge, facilities for indoor and outdoor games like foot ball, cricket, handbal and T.V.set were made available to them. For their learning purpose. States, pencils, books, pens sketch pens, black boards, maps, charts and other teaching aids were provided.
On 7th july camp was concluded. One day before conclusion games, cultural evening and various competitions were organised for them. To asess performance of children and also to assess their learning’s examinations were conducted. Papers were set class wise and subjectwise. 80% children were passed in grade IVth examination and result was 70% for grade VIIth examination. In literacy development category 60% children could develop their reading, writing and mathematical skills. Followup action will be undetaken for enrolling these children schools. But this short term residential school for child labour, experiment revealed following; 1.If such opportunities for education are provided to deprived children then children’s response will be positive. 2.Two month duration for such camp is inadequate. The reason is 15 to 20 days are required for setting them down in environment. Besides to prepare them for Std. IVth or VIIth minimum four months are required. 3.Education department should make special provisions for incorporating these children in regular schools care should be taken that these provisions are implemented properly. 4.For needy Children free provision should be made for lodging and boarding along with their education. 5.For successful conclusion of this camp coordination between parents, government, teachers and social workers is essential.
Many people and extended their support and cooperation to people’s Institute of Rural Development in implementing this programme. Shri Lahu Bande, Mane, Salunke, Sulochana Kumbhar, Sunita Cheuale, Jaimala Borsule and teachers involved in implemation of this programme worked with full dedication and commitment. Besides them Sunil Khandalikar, Sanjay Ladke, Shankar Kadam, Vivek Yadav, Shrirang Maske, Ashok Kulkarni, Amrit Bhoge, Patil, Afasana Shaik and other social workers also endeavored and contributed for success of camp.
Summary of Residential Bridge camp : -
Features ØCamps for out of school children; support classes for all children ØChildren from different villages brought together at one location for camps ØDuration of bridge camps: two months or more ØCompressed curriculum covered in camps was based on formal school syllabus ØSupport given to all children throughout year ØIntention was to enroll all children into formal schools
Strengths ØChildren were released from work and could concentrate on learning during camps ØThe habit of spending time on learning was developed in children who had never done this before camp ØSubstantial teaching was achieved in two months and children were better prepared for school
Concerns ØLower attendance of girls at camps ØDifficult involve working children who were either bonded or contributing substantially to family income ØCost of camps was high we had expired Rs. 2,29,946/- During Bridge course camp. Hence it is not continued in Further. ØOrganisation of camps was complicated and staff-intensive ØChildren had to be taken away from home into unfamiliar environment for camps.
Machhindra Gojame
1.Name: Machhindra Gojame 2.Address: People's Intitute Of Rural Development-PIRD Karad Nagar , Nanded Road , P.O.: Ahmedpur , Dist : Latur, Maharashtra , INDIA 3.Age: 51 years 4.Occupations Field: Rural Dev. & social Change. 5.position: president of PIRD 6:special Subject: Child labour & waterhed development programme. 7:email: website: