Buying The Right Comforter For Your Bed

Written by Duane Jones

Continued from page 1

It's also not a bad idea to look for a comforter that has patterns on both sides. That way you can changerepparttar look ofrepparttar 100059 bed from time to time and not just haverepparttar 100060 same pattern allrepparttar 100061 time.

If you are inrepparttar 100062 market for a down comforter,repparttar 100063 most expensive kinds will have pure white down in them, but actually a mixture of down and feathers will dorepparttar 100064 job nicely and is not as expensive. Just avoid so-called down comforters that have a really low ratio of down to feathers. The higherrepparttar 100065 down ratio inrepparttar 100066 comforterrepparttar 100067 more important thatrepparttar 100068 cover be what is called "down proof" because down is so small and can actually work its way through a normal cover. Usually this designation is listed onrepparttar 100069 comforter package.

Finally, be sure that a down comforter is stitched so thatrepparttar 100070 insulation material cannot move about very freely or shift. Ifrepparttar 100071 stitching is not in placerepparttar 100072 down can shift so that some parts ofrepparttar 100073 comforter do not even offer much insulation at all. This is widely known, and most down comforters will have necessary stitching in place onrepparttar 100074 quilt, but just make sure before you buy.

Buying a good quality comforter is an investment in practicality and appearance atrepparttar 100075 same time. Use these guidelines for choosing your new comforter and you should be happy with it for years to come.

Duane Jones - All About Bed And Bath provides free information, resources and tips on finding bedding, comforters, bathroom fixtures, tubs, and more for your home at the very best price.

Buying The Right Bed Sheets For Your Bed

Written by Duane Jones

Continued from page 1

Thread count is another important consideration when buying bed sheets. Thread count per inch, or TPI, states how many threads are in a square inch ofrepparttar bed sheet material. Generally speaking, anything over 250 makes for a soft, comfortable feel, and also tends to last longer and hold up under more use. Try to avoid bed sheets that have very low thread counts under 200.

The kind of material used for bed sheets can vary considerably, from cotton to exotic silks. Cotton seems to berepparttar 100058 most popular, but you may also want to experiment with flannels, and cotton mixed fabrics. Satins and silks are considered very high end and tend to be expensive, but some people really enjoy them as bed sheets, and wouldn't use anything else.

After practical considerations such as these are made, you just have to decide what colors and designs that you want on your bed and we recommend that you try to stay withinrepparttar 100059 overall theme of your bedroom's decor. Selecting bed sheets is is simple if you follow these basic guidelines, and they will reward you with years of good service.

Duane Jones - All About Bed And Bath provides free information, resources and tips on finding bedding, comforters, bathroom fixtures, tubs, and more for your home at the very best price.

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