Buying Replacement Windows

Written by Matthew Anthony

Continued from page 1

Do your research

Research windows and styles, certainly, but also check intorepparttar companies that you choose to do business with. Ask around to friends who've replaced windows about their experience with particular suppliers and contractors.

Invite three to four companies to your home to get an estimate

Don't make a choice based on one double glazing price quote. After you've checked around, choose three or four companies that have a good reputation and have been in business for some time and make an appointment for them to come to your home. They'll need to seerepparttar 150797 scope ofrepparttar 150798 job to give you a reasonable estimate ofrepparttar 150799 price to do it.

Always have your windows measured by a professional

Don't order based on your own measurements, no matter how reliable you think they are. Choose a company that will takerepparttar 150800 measurements themselves, if for no other reason that it then becomes THEIR responsibility if any ofrepparttar 150801 windows ordered don't fitrepparttar 150802 space for them.

Finally, don't assume that you're stuck withrepparttar 150803 same look you've got. Replacement windows can make a spectacular difference in your home's appearance and value. Barring prohibition for historical or council reasons, you can have that picture or bay window you've always wanted. It's all a matter of finding it.

Matthew Anthony writes for many home improvement sites including double glazing and window treatments and blinds.

Drywall Installation

Written by Mark J. Donovan

Continued from page 1

Taping and Mudding

Again start withrepparttar ceiling. Apply a skim coat of joint compound overrepparttar 150711 surface of a seam using a 6” wide taping knife. Ifrepparttar 150712 seam is wide, apply a liberal amount of joint compound to fill it. Whilerepparttar 150713 Joint compound is still wet, applyrepparttar 150714 fiberglass tape overrepparttar 150715 skim coat of Joint Compound. Make surerepparttar 150716 seam is centered underrepparttar 150717 tape. Oncerepparttar 150718 tape has been installed, apply additional Joint Compound overrepparttar 150719 tape, again usingrepparttar 150720 6” wide taping knife. Continue this for all ofrepparttar 150721 seams. Note:repparttar 150722 tape will still be visible. Additional coats will eventually hide it.

The inside corners are usuallyrepparttar 150723 most tricky and require practice. Patience isrepparttar 150724 best advice and note that additional coats will be applied later to smooth out any imperfections. Oncerepparttar 150725 seams are done, usingrepparttar 150726 6” wide taping knife, apply mud to all ofrepparttar 150727 screw/nail dimples. A skim coat is all that is initially required.

Note: When applyingrepparttar 150728 mud overrepparttar 150729 tape and screw/nail dimples, make sure all excess material and uneven patches are smoothed down withrepparttar 150730 blade. This will reduce sanding later. Oncerepparttar 150731 ceiling is done, you can move on torepparttar 150732 walls. Repeatrepparttar 150733 same process, however withrepparttar 150734 outside corners just apply a liberal coat of joint compound torepparttar 150735 valley that is formed byrepparttar 150736 corner bead. This valley typically representsrepparttar 150737 first 3 or 4 inches fromrepparttar 150738 edge ofrepparttar 150739 corner.

Oncerepparttar 150740 first coat has been applied let it sit overnight or until it is dry, prior to startingrepparttar 150741 second application of Joint compound. Make sure to completely clean offrepparttar 150742 taping knife,repparttar 150743 mud easel and any other containers or instruments that have mud on them prior to finishing up forrepparttar 150744 day.

Applyingrepparttar 150745 Second Coat of Mud

Afterrepparttar 150746 first coat has thoroughly dried, it is now time to applyrepparttar 150747 second coat of mud. It is this coat that should hiderepparttar 150748 tape. Again, start withrepparttar 150749 ceiling. Usingrepparttar 150750 wider taping knife apply a generous amount of joint compound overrepparttar 150751 taped seams as you want to build uprepparttar 150752 area overrepparttar 150753 tape. Taking large strokes smoothrepparttar 150754 joint compound overrepparttar 150755 tape applying more pressure torepparttar 150756 side ofrepparttar 150757 taping knife further away fromrepparttar 150758 tape. This will help to leave more mud overrepparttar 150759 tape. When complete,repparttar 150760 mud should cover an area that extends beyondrepparttar 150761 width ofrepparttar 150762 tape by 2 to 3 inches.

Afterrepparttar 150763 seams have all been completed, apply a second coat of mud overrepparttar 150764 screw/nail dimples. With this second coat, flare outrepparttar 150765 mud overrepparttar 150766 dimples such thatrepparttar 150767 diameter ofrepparttar 150768 mudded area is about 3-4 inches in diameter.

Forrepparttar 150769 inside corners a Corner knife may come in handy. Corners involve a little artistry so again take your time. Apply a generous amount of joint compound and then runrepparttar 150770 Corner knife downrepparttar 150771 corner starting fromrepparttar 150772 top. Take long, even strokes. A 6” taping knife may also be helpful to smooth out any imperfections. Forrepparttar 150773 outside corners, usingrepparttar 150774 broad taping knife apply a generous amount of joint compound and flare outrepparttar 150775 material such that it extends out 6 inches or so fromrepparttar 150776 corner. Again, apply more pressure torepparttar 150777 blade side that is further away fromrepparttar 150778 corner so that you leave more mud nearerrepparttar 150779 outside corner.

Oncerepparttar 150780 second coat has been applied let it sit overnight or until it is dry, prior to startingrepparttar 150781 final application of Joint compound. Make sure to completely clean offrepparttar 150782 taping knife,repparttar 150783 mud easel and any other containers or instruments that have mud on them prior to finishing up forrepparttar 150784 day.

Applyingrepparttar 150785 Final Coat of Mud

Afterrepparttar 150786 first coat has thoroughly dried, it is now time to applyrepparttar 150787 final coat of mud. It is this coat that requiresrepparttar 150788 most artistry andrepparttar 150789 least amount of joint compound. Here you are simply applying a final skim coat torepparttar 150790 already mudded areas.

Prior to applyingrepparttar 150791 skim coat it is best to take your wide taping blade and lightly pass overrepparttar 150792 mudded surfaces. This will remove any bumps or ridges.

Again start withrepparttar 150793 ceiling seams and apply a small amount of joint compound usingrepparttar 150794 broad taping knife. Again continue to flare outrepparttar 150795 seam by extendingrepparttar 150796 mudded area such that about 6 inches resides on each side ofrepparttar 150797 now invisible tape. Remember this is a skim coat so little mud is required. The purpose of this coat is to effectively fill in any lines or recessed areas.

Afterrepparttar 150798 seams have all been completed, apply a final coat of mud overrepparttar 150799 screw/nail dimples. With this second coat, flare outrepparttar 150800 mud overrepparttar 150801 dimples such thatrepparttar 150802 diameter ofrepparttar 150803 mudded area is about 6-8 inches in diameter. Forrepparttar 150804 corners userepparttar 150805 broad taping knife and add just enough mud such that you can flare outrepparttar 150806 mudded surface area to about 8-12 inches, taking care to filling in any lines or dimples. Oncerepparttar 150807 final coat has been applied let it rest overnight or until it is dry,


Sanding is a very dusty and dirty mess so please uses goggles and a mask.

I find it best to use a pole sander with an open screened sand paper material specifically designed for sanding sheetrock/drywall mud. Lightly sand all ofrepparttar 150808 taped areas, however concentrate sanding onrepparttar 150809 outer edges ofrepparttar 150810 mudded areas such that all seams and ridges are eliminated and blend intorepparttar 150811 main surface areas.

Once sanding is complete, vacuum uprepparttar 150812 dust and you are ready for priming and paintingrepparttar 150813 walls and texturingrepparttar 150814 ceilings.

Over the past 20+ years Mr. Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. Mr. Donovan's formal education and profession have been as an Electrical Engineer and Marketing Manager.

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