Buying A Home When Rates Go Up

Written by Tom Levine

Continued from page 1

The key here (and this is very important), is to find an excellent real estate agent. I can’t stress enough, how important it is to have someone on your side, who understandsrepparttar lay ofrepparttar 111816 land. Don’t go at it alone. Just go find someone knowledgeable, who you can trust, and who is ready and willing to roll up their sleeves, and go to work for you.

4.Uncreative Financing:

As ofrepparttar 111817 writing of this article, rates are still very, very low. Anything below 7%, for a fixed rate, in my opinion, is totally workable.

a)Between 1979 and 1990, fixed interest rates ranged from 11% to 16% on average. This is highly unusual historically, of course, but it is an excellent benchmark, when you evaluate how good, or bad, things are right now.

b)So as you’re exploring your choices, don’t lose sight ofrepparttar 111818 big picture. Getting your foot inrepparttar 111819 door is more valuable, then being left out inrepparttar 111820 cold.

c)One other important point. For all those homeowners that purchased inrepparttar 111821 80s, do you think they’re terribly concerned now aboutrepparttar 111822 ebb and flow of rates? Do you think they kept their 11% fixed rate loan, or do you think they refinanced when it dropped down to 6% (or paidrepparttar 111823 house off by now). I’d venture a guess, that virtually all of them; have a nice, hefty, bulky, attractive pot of equity sitting on their front porch step today.

5.Buying a Home when Rates Go Down:

When rates go down, of course, it’s obvious that getting a loan and buying a house is extremely attractive.

a)But when rates go down, there is a lack of homes on inventory.

b)Can you say, “Non-negotiable”, or “bidding war”, or “oops, sorry…Already sold!”

c)When rates go down,repparttar 111824 seller is inrepparttar 111825 driver’s seat, andrepparttar 111826 buyer is running around with checkbook in hand, yelling “Where do I sign?”

Keep that in mind. Which would you prefer? Personally, I dislike high rates, but I LOVE being inrepparttar 111827 drivers’ seat. I guess inrepparttar 111828 end, you’ve just got to work with whatever environment exists today. Any way you look at it, you can’t stop and wait untilrepparttar 111829 cards stack up in your favor. You just have to dive in, and get started. If you like to be creative, if you like opportunities, and if you like to be inrepparttar 111830 drivers seat then rising rates shouldn’t bother you inrepparttar 111831 slightest. Renting is more of a crime to your finances, inrepparttar 111832 long run.

We’ve enjoyed providing this information to you, and we wish yourepparttar 111833 best of luck in your pursuits. Remember to always seek out good advice from those you trust, and never turn your back on your own common sense.

Publisher’s Directions: This article may be freely distributed so long asrepparttar 111834 copyright, author’s information, disclaimer, and an active link (where possible) are included.

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed inrepparttar 111835 articles, reviews and other materials herein are those ofrepparttar 111836 authors. While every care has been taken inrepparttar 111837 compilation of this information and every attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any information within these pages or any information accessed through this site.

Copyright 2005, by Loans-Directory.Org, , This article is available in full format at: Article Here

How to save hundreds a month on your mortgage.

Written by Joseph McNealy

Continued from page 1

In order to help you in your online search for a better home mortgage rate, I have listed a few tips and questions below:

Will your credit rating be a hindrance to a new loan?

Willrepparttar lender work with you if you have bad credit?

Are you getting a new loan to refinance your rate? Or are you getting a loan for a secondary reason (paying off debt or home improvement needs for example).

Have you seen your credit report lately? Is it accurate?

Are there steps that you can take inrepparttar 111815 short term to improve your credit score before you getrepparttar 111816 mortgage quote (such as paying off small debt or challenging negative items on your credit report)?

Doesrepparttar 111817 site givingrepparttar 111818 mortgage quote, give you a quote from more than one lender? Some sites give you quotes from up to four lenders at once.

Isrepparttar 111819 quote free? Also, you should be under no obligation should you decide not do business withrepparttar 111820 lender.

These are just a few ofrepparttar 111821 points that one should remember when searchingrepparttar 111822 vast resources ofrepparttar 111823 Internet for answers to your financial questions. If used wisely, a new mortgage could berepparttar 111824 step that changes your financial future forrepparttar 111825 better.

Joseph McNealy is the webmaster of The Online Arcana, a new website dedicated to personal financial information. If you wish more personal information on mortgage refinancing (such as a quote) you may go to To visit our blog, please go to

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