"Buy TERM and Invest the Difference"

Written by YS Koh

Continued from page 1

With several insurers offering a variety of investment-linked insurance products, it is now possible for an insurance policy holder to enjoy protection and atrepparttar same time to invest solely in one fund or a combination of funds, subject to certain limitations, such as a minimum of 20% of his investment in each fund selected. An insurance policy holder may switch his investment between funds when his investment objectives change. 

As an example, an Income Fund which is managed by a company's in-house fixed-income investment team comprising individuals with more than 20 years of experience inrepparttar 139836 financial sector. This fund is suitable for policy owners seeking stability of principal and a higher return compared to bank deposits but with acceptable risk to capital invested. The fund is principally invested in fixed-income securities, treasury products, money market instruments, collective investment schemes, and any other permissible instruments or investments prescribed byrepparttar 139837 relevant regulatory bodies to provide a steady return to policy owners through accumulation of capital overrepparttar 139838 long-term.

Withoutrepparttar 139839 existence of investment-linked products, one may disagree withrepparttar 139840 phrase and may not "buy term and investrepparttar 139841 difference" but instead to take up a traditional participating life insurance product that provides life protection with an element for investment. The premium may be higher but it leads to wealth creation forrepparttar 139842 future. 

YS Koh is an independent Certified Financial Planner and a licensed financial investment broker by practice. She writes often and provides insights and viewpoints for her blog "Life Insurance Information Portal" (http://get-term-life-insurance-info.blogspot.com)

This Life Insurance Information Portal is designed to provide you with unbiased information and useful tips, free from http://www.get-term-life-insurance.info 

25 Top Reasons Why Businesses Fail

Written by Alyice Edrich

Continued from page 1


15.Not fixing mistakes.

16.Not completing tasks in a timely manner.

17.Inability to follow-up. You should always follow-up by email, snail mail, or phone.

18.Not listening to client or customer. Talking too much.

19.Spending too little. It takes money to make money.

20.Spending too much. Purchasing items when you don’t need them, upgrading whenrepparttar older version will do, letting suppliers talk you into things you cannot afford, and not budgeting.

21.Being unprepared for fluctuations in business. Boom times when demands are high as well as slow times when you are struggling to get by. (Put money away during boom times to prepare for slow times.)

22.Lack of diversification. If you only offer one product or service, losing it can destroy your business.

23.Reputation. While a good reputation will gain you tons of business, a bad reputation could close your business.

24.Cockiness. There is nothing wrong with feeling great about your products, services, or accomplishments. Just don’t let pride and arrogance destroy your customer relations.

25.Discouragement. Giving in to your feelings of discouragement, when things do not work outrepparttar 139835 way you planned or succeed as fast as you thought. Also allowing others to feed on any discouragement you may already feel.

Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer specializing in helping busy parents balance life. Visit her online for free information on how she can help you succeed, today. http://thedabblingmum.com

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