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Jacinda Cello

An Introduction to Bach Flower Essences Part II – The Seven Helpers

Written by Misty Rae Cech

Continued from page 1

Gorse – This flower essence is used where one has lost will due to discouragement, becoming hopeless and resigned to one’s condition. They have perhaps been giving too much energy torepparttar negative possibilities, solidifying this outlook so no progress can be made. This remedy restores hope to such individuals, so they may be able to have a brighter outlook, perhaps more joy, when confronted with life’s challenges.

Oak – The remedy for those committed to over-striving, regardless if that striving is having a positive result. Those in need ofrepparttar 145318 Oak flower essence have great determination and strength, which can be true assets. However, at times it is crucial to balance this force with subtlety and grace. The individual may have even become resigned torepparttar 145319 inevitable failure of their endeavor or succumbing to an illness, yet they continue with their efforts. Oak helps restore a balance, allowing onerepparttar 145320 freedom of letting up or resting when that is in fact what is required. An important essence in today’s hard-striving world.

Vine – For those who see their way asrepparttar 145321 ‘right’ way orrepparttar 145322 only way, Vine essence allows an opening in one’s perception for other points of view. An individual in need of Vine may have a domineering personality, insisting that everyone else follow their lead, including health professionals. Such a point of view can lead to great stress when it is perceived do not sharerepparttar 145323 same ideas, and that harm, or at least lack of healing, may come about. Vine essence may soften this selfish nature, assisting one to understand that other points of view may be entirely valid, and in fact, more complete than one’s own. This allowsrepparttar 145324 individual to receive needed support, often a key component in any personal transformation.

Heather – The Heather type appear self-obsessed, talking continually about their own situations and problems. Such persons are in fact truly lonely and often in great emotional pain. They may feel an emptiness or hunger, which they feed fromrepparttar 145325 attention of others. This flower essence helps one make a connection torepparttar 145326 Higher Self, finding peace and solace inrepparttar 145327 unity of all being. This realization helps one overcomerepparttar 145328 loneliness and disconnection they may feel, drawing on emotional self-sufficiency and true shared relationship with others for assistance.

Rock Water – For those that are too hard on themselves. Being reflective and aware is one thing, to go so far as to limit one’s (and one’s friends and family) enjoyment of life is another. Flexibility and spontaneity are key components torepparttar 145329 ‘life well lived’. Further, a rigidity in lifestyle can prevent one from finding joy, an important factor in healing from many illnesses. This essence is sometimes indicated for those beginning flower essence therapy or those who do not see results, as it may assist in openingrepparttar 145330 soul torepparttar 145331 energies ofrepparttar 145332 plant realm.

Wild Oat – Health and happiness are very much connected with one’s ability to find one’s true vocation. Wandering through life feeling a lack of purpose can lead to distressed states, with addictions or despondency being possible results. Wild Oat flower essence may help align one with their true calling, so that bothrepparttar 145333 individual andrepparttar 145334 greater environment can benefit. When one finds this sense of meaning, there is a strong inner light that can shine forth, supporting one’s own health, andrepparttar 145335 health of those around them.

These arerepparttar 145336 Seven Helpers, as categorized per Dr. Edward Bach’s 12-7-19 flower essence method. It is said that withrepparttar 145337 Twelve Healers andrepparttar 145338 Seven Helpers, one can support transformation of many vibrational/emotional states. Atrepparttar 145339 same time, it is important to keep one’s mind open to possibilities; there are a great number of researched flower essences available, one’s that may be even more precisely applied to a particular situation. The Healer and Helper essences are however, a fantastic place to start if one is seeking an effective collection of remedies, suitable forrepparttar 145340 needs of many beings.

Misty is a Naturopath in Boulder, Colorado. She is owner of Ananda Apothecary, a dispensery of Essential Oils and Flower Essences. Misty employs Bach Flower Essences in her professional practice for their gentle healing properties.

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