Bust Holiday Stress

Written by Norma Schmidt, Coach, LLC

Continued from page 1

*Protect your child's naptime and playtime.

*Spend floor-time with your child every day.

5. Commercialism.

*Create family traditions that involve giving to those in need.

*Focus on low-cost or no-cost holiday traditions.

*Help keep children's expectations realistic. For example, you might say You'll get aboutrepparttar same amount of presents as you did on your birthday.

6. Bills!

*Decide on a holiday budget for entertaining and gifts.

* If credit cards make overspending too easy, stick to cash for holiday purchases.

7. Loss.

* If you have lost a loved one,repparttar 110762 holidays may intensify your grief. Explore ways to cope at www.griefnet.org/library/articles/hfa-tips.html or www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=FL00055.

*If holiday blues persist or seem particularly intense, don't hesitate to reach out for professional help. Your physician or clergyperson can give you a referral.

8. Post-holiday let-down.

*Spread outrepparttar 110763 fun at least throughrepparttar 110764 end of school vacation by planning an outing or a fun time at home for each day.

*Have a party and finish your leftover holiday sweetsrepparttar 110765 night before school resumes.

A little forethought and planning can go a long way towards making you gladrepparttar 110766 holidays are coming - instead of just glad when they're over. Your wisdom holdsrepparttar 110767 key to holiday joy.

© 2004 Norma Schmidt, Coach, LLC

Norma Schmidt, Coach, LLC, edits "The Balance Point," a free-biweekly e-zine for women who are both professionals and parents. She offers individual and group coaching and teleclasses.

Find Your Noble Ancestors!

Written by Jan-Olov von Wowern

Continued from page 1

You will also want to search libraries for books related to your family search, and from many libraries you can buy photocopies fromrepparttar books you need. In some cases you will want to own a specific book related to your family history, and you will need to search antiquarian book shops.

Several Internet sites have specialized in heraldry, and at one site you can search amongrepparttar 110761 coat of arms of more than 130,000 families.

But if you are serious about finding out if you belong to an ancient noble family you must know what to look for. I am offering all readers to download a FREE chapter called "A nobiliary primer", explaining many difficult terms and nobiliary issues. The complete book, "Find Your Noble Ancestors!" is also available for immediate download at http://www.findyournobleancestors.com .

Jan-Olov von Wowern lives in Stockholm, Sweden, and is the head of the Swedish branch of the von Wowern family, dating back to its founder who was born around 1090 and made a Marquis in 1141. He is active in European charitable and nobiliary work.

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