Business success models for the 21st century.

Written by Janet Ilacqua

Continued from page 1

Ultimately,repparttar key to’s abiding success and exponential growth in a highly competitive field is its focus on community-building as its most important value above everything.

Success Model: Hewlett-Packard Co.

Inrepparttar 103880 beginning ofrepparttar 103881 company's history,repparttar 103882 founders did not focus on growth per se, but focused instead on manufacturing quality products. As HP grows, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard create a management style that formsrepparttar 103883 basis of HP's famously open corporate culture and influences how scores of later technology companies will do business. Dave practices a management technique — eventually dubbed "management by walking around" —, which is marked by personal involvement, good listening skills, andrepparttar 103884 recognition that "everyone in an organization wants to do a good job.” As managers, Bill and Dave runrepparttar 103885 company according torepparttar 103886 principle later called management by objective — communicating overall objectives clearly and giving employeesrepparttar 103887 flexibility to work toward those goals in ways that they determine are best for their own areas of responsibility. HP also establishes its open door policy — open cubicles and executive offices without doors — to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. The open door policy encourages employees to discuss problems with a manager without reprisals or adverse consequences. Bill and Dave make other important management decisions: providing catastrophic medical insurance, using first names to address employees (including themselves), and throwing regular employee parties and picnics. .In 1957, these guidelines became encapsulated within a vision statement known asrepparttar 103888 'Hewlett Packard Vision'. As part ofrepparttar 103889 vision statement,repparttar 103890 values statementrepparttar 103891 HP Way focused on a 'belief in our people’, which incorporated Confidence in and respect for our people as opposed to depending upon extensive rules, procedures and so on; which depends upon people to do their job right (individual freedom) without constant directives. ('The HP Way') Overrepparttar 103892 years,repparttar 103893 HP Way has taken onrepparttar 103894 image ofrepparttar 103895 Apostles' Creed: a shared statement of beliefs, but one that can be interpreted in many different ways in a broad, catholic sense. It is almost as though its shared symbolic image is more important than living it as a shared reality. One senior manager called it an 'an assumed culture'. This perhaps is its strength: as a corporate ideology, it allows for different interpretations of its words. On May 3, 2002, HP and Compaq officially merged, beginning operations as one unified company. The new HP serves more than one billion customers across 162 countries, and is a leading global provider of products, technologies, solutions, and services to consumers and businesses. The company’s offerings span IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services and imaging and printing. In this age where large corporations are coming under increasing moral scrutiny, HP has come out relatively clean. The Packard Foundation isrepparttar 103896 world’ largest corporate foundation with grant awards totalled approximately $230 million in 2002. Carly Fiorina, its CEO, is respected inrepparttar 103897 world of business, it is respected abroad, and it has no antitrust suits against it. As Ms. Fiorina remarked, “Our bodyguards carry no Uzis.”

Bio: Janet K. Ilacqua is a freelance writer based in Tracy, California. She specializes in academic writing and ghostwriting of books and manuals for individuals and small businesses. For more information about her services, check her website at

A Home Business Can Be YOUR Reality

Written by Janice Sharman

Continued from page 1

The benefits are that you can set your own hours and in most cases you won't even have to carryrepparttar products you sell. The companies do allrepparttar 103879 storage and transportation for you. You responsibilites are to sponsor others and make money at several levels. For some income opportunities visit: and learn just how easy it really is.

If you really desire to take your destiny in your own hands, begin today. Take it at your own pace but be serious and dedicated about it. Each small step will lead you closer to becoming mentally and financially independent.

I never realised that working at home could be so rewarding. Like me, you could double your salary and be onrepparttar 103880 way to making more money than you ever dreamed of. All this from your home working in comfortable clothes in your own time. Sure you can do it! Begin today!

Janice Sharman

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Janice lives on the island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean and has been running her own business for over 20 years.

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