Business card printing: your own style!

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

Continued from page 1

Also try to look for a cheaper and faster way to print your business card. There are a lot of printing shops online that you can count on…just be determined enough to look forrepparttar right one I know there’s better out there for your business card.

Remember thatrepparttar 103125 more you handle personally your business cardrepparttar 103126 better it will be…so go ahead create a business card with your own personal touch!

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Uncommon Common Sense – Know What is the Most Important Thing in Your Business

Written by Gordon Goh

Continued from page 1

For Professional Service, including IT: How many good people do you have? Since highly skilled people are also highly paid, are they loyal to your firm or are they just loyal to their salary? It doesn't matter what service you are providing, from legal to advertising or web-services. You need to getrepparttar really good skilled people that will not leave, like whatrepparttar 103124 Big Four Audit firms do in grooming their high flyers into partners.

For Start-ups: Sorry, most start-ups haven't found a good business yet, so whatever you are doing, you just need to be persistent and you'll find your way there.

For Stockiest: The good days of bulk buys and offering bulk discounts are over: with Internet anyone can buy anything. Stockiest need to have a few products that nobody has, andrepparttar 103125 best way is to have your own brand and OEM it out. If you want to know about how to build your brand, followrepparttar 103126 “Osim” model.

For Management: You need to have access to management tools, systems and manuals. Anyone can learn about leadership but all leaders need to have management tools or they will just be a leader without achieving anything. And most importantly, is to userepparttar 103127 tools properly. Don't be like what CAO did; they haverepparttar 103128 best tools but nobody use them!

For Employees: The most important thing is to help to solve your boss' problems and your career will fly. What can you do today to make your employer happy?

For Everyone: It's all about DOING! NOT THEORY or 'should' or 'could'. For only when you do will you know if your theory is right or wrong. Andrepparttar 103129 more you do ,repparttar 103130 less risk you have because you will be learning fast

Gordon Goh is author of the free, informative website Simply Motivation offering quality useful tips for Motivation

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