Business Web Design Basics

Written by JC Anderl

Continued from page 1

3. Focus - Your site needs to be focused and easy to navigate. A potential customer should be able to tell what your site is about within five seconds of loading your main page. Sometimes webmasters try to cram everything about their site onrepparttar front page. A cramped look is not attractive. Try to lead visitors into other parts of your site instead of trying to fit your whole site onrepparttar 134477 front page.

You should also have a link to your home page on every page. Visitors don't always enter throughrepparttar 134478 front page, and even if they do, they can easily get lost in an unfamiliar site. Make sure that they can easily find your entry page.

4. Avoid Technology - Alright, don't avoid technology by any means, this is cyber space. What I mean is that you don't need to haverepparttar 134479 latest flashy design tricks on your site. Your most important focus should be on creating an attractive, content filled, easy to navigate site. Until all of those criteria are filled, don't even think about adding extra features. If you do, make sure that there is a reason for it and it fits withrepparttar 134480 site, otherwise it is a waste of time. 

Best of luck to you,

JC Anderl,

Visit my site or email me if you have any questions about marketing or website promotion.

JC's website,, specializes in advice about Internet marketing and web site promotion. Free access to articles and ebooks, learn how to market your product or service online at

How to Design a PopUp Window to Boost Opt-Ins

Written by Steve Shaw

Continued from page 1

Some graphics are usually more effective than none, but minimize your use of them, and optimizerepparttar graphics files before uploading to your server.

4. Use an effective TITLE

I see many popups whererepparttar 134476 title ofrepparttar 134477 popup window (i.e., inrepparttar 134478 title bar, set byrepparttar 134479 HTML title tags) is completely inappropriate. For example, 'popup page' or 'popup1'. At best, this looks unprofessional, so try to make your title relevant torepparttar 134480 offer you are making torepparttar 134481 visitor, and mirror your headline in some way.

5. BALANCErepparttar 134482 popup page

The page you display inrepparttar 134483 popup window should atrepparttar 134484 very least look pleasing torepparttar 134485 eye. This meansrepparttar 134486 fonts onrepparttar 134487 page should be consistent and not look out of place,repparttar 134488 colors should provide high contrast and make it easy to read, andrepparttar 134489 alignment ofrepparttar 134490 text and any images onrepparttar 134491 page should not make any element look out of place.

6. Offer a way to CLOSErepparttar 134492 popup window

You can easily add a button or a link to your popup page that allows visitors to closerepparttar 134493 popup window if they wish. You can do this easily by addingrepparttar 134494 code onclick="self.close();return false;" to your link or button tag.


Overall,repparttar 134495 best rule you can follow is just to keep torepparttar 134496 point and Keep It Simple - this way you can capturerepparttar 134497 attention of your visitor quickly and easily and not distract their attention from your main aim which is to get their name and email address. And of course, once you've got their email address, treat it well and keep their interest.

By following these seven essential tips, you'll definitely have allrepparttar 134498 basics in place. The trick then is to keep on tweaking and testing your popup to try and optimize on your results.

Steve Shaw is the author of The PopUp Masters Course available for FREE from - Discover the PopUp Secrets of Pros like Marlon Sanders and Terry Dean, and boost your opt-ins by 535%

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