Business Telephone Blunders

Written by Chris Bloor

Continued from page 1

"Thank you so much for calling and have a great day!"

Instead I got this:

"This is David. You know what to do.

Speak afterrepparttar beep..."

Like I said, I don't know David from a bar of soap.

I wouldn't recognize him if my life depended on it.

I do know one thing about him though.

He's wasting money.

Judging byrepparttar 132619 size of his advert quite a lot of it!

You see David's advert spoke QUALITY It spoke "Hey you can TRUST us... we CARE..."

His voice-mail SHOUTED 'Cheap and nasty'

the result?

...David Wasted His Money Today ...David Lost A Sale Today ...David Made Less Profits Today ...David Missed Out On Referrals Today ...David Missed An Opportunity Today

Try this: Take a moment to call YOURSELF today.

Listen carefully to your business voice-mail or answering machine.

What you hear...

What you change...

Just might be worth a small fortune!

---------------------------------------------------------- Chris Bloor is a Direct Response Copywriter Known asrepparttar 132620 'Walking Idea Machine' You can get a FREE subscription to his 'Members Only' Internet Newsletter at __________________________________________________ ATTENTION WEBMASTERS You can use this article in your ezine so long at it is reprinted in its entirety along withrepparttar 132621 resource box __________________________________________________

Chris Bloor Known As The 'Walking Idea Machine' Is One Of Australia's Most Sought After Direct Response Copywriters Get His Ezine At

Conflict in Cyberspace: How To Resolve Conflict Online

Written by Kali Munro, M.Ed.

Continued from page 1

Discussrepparttar situation with someone who knows you

Ask them what they think aboutrepparttar 132618 post andrepparttar 132619 response you plan to send. Having input from others who are hopefully more objective can help you to step back fromrepparttar 132620 situation and look at it differently. Suler recommends getting out ofrepparttar 132621 medium in whichrepparttar 132622 conflict occurred - in this case talking to someone in person - to gain a better perspective.

Choose whether or not you want to respond

You do have a choice, and you don’t have to respond. You may be too upset to respond inrepparttar 132623 way that you would like, or it may not be worthy of a response. Ifrepparttar 132624 post is accusatory or inflammatory andrepparttar 132625 person’s style tends to be aggressive or bullying,repparttar 132626 best strategy is to ignore them.

Assume that people mean well, unless they have a history or pattern of aggression

Everyone has their bad days, gets triggered, reacts insensitively, and writes an email without thinking it through completely. It doesn’t mean that they don’t have good intentions.

Onrepparttar 132627 other hand, some people pick fights no matter how kind and patient you are with them. They distort what you say, quote you out of context, and make all sorts of accusations all to vilify and antagonize you. Don't takerepparttar 132628 "bait" by engaging in a struggle with them - they'll never stop. Sometimes,repparttar 132629 best strategy is to have nothing more to do with someone.

Clarify what was meant

We all misinterpret what we hear and read, particularly when we feel hurt or upset. It’s a good idea to check out that you understood them correctly. For example, you could ask, “When you said...did you mean...or, what did you mean by...?” Or, “when you said...I that what you meant?” Often times, what we think someone said is not even close to what they meant to say. Give themrepparttar 132630 benefit ofrepparttar 132631 doubt andrepparttar 132632 chance to be clear about what they meant.

Think about what you want to accomplish by your communication

Are you trying to connect with this person? Are you trying to understand them and be understood? What isrepparttar 132633 message you hope to convey? What isrepparttar 132634 tone you want to communicate? Consider how you can convey that.

Verbalize what you want to accomplish

Here are some examples, “I want to understand what you’re saying.” “I feel hurt by some stuff that you said. I want to talk about it in a way that we both feel heard and understood.” “I want to find a way to work this out. I know we don’t agree about everything and that’s okay. I’d like to talk with you about how I felt reading your post.” “I hope we can talk this through because I really like you. I don’t want to be argumentative or blaming.”

Use “I” statements when sharing your feelings or thoughts

For example, “I feel...” versus “You made me feel...”

Use strictly feeling statements

Feeling statements include saying you felt hurt, sad, scared, angry, happy, guilty, remorseful, etc. In everyday conversations, we describe our feelings differently than this. For example, we say that we felt “attacked”, “threatened”, “unsafe”, or “punched inrepparttar 132635 stomach”. Whenrepparttar 132636 person we’re upset with is not present, or able to read our words, this is an understandable way to expressrepparttar 132637 full depth of our feelings and experience. Generally though, these statements are not simply feeling statements because they contain within them unexpressed beliefs. For example, you believe that you were attacked byrepparttar 132638 person, not that it just felt that way. If you want to communicate withrepparttar 132639 person involved (or they can read your words), it is best to stick to simple feeling statements otherwise they will hear you as accusing them of attacking them and be angry or upset with you. Some people get confused why other people get upset with them when they think they are only expressing their feelings; usually in these cases there were unstated beliefs expressed whichrepparttar 132640 person reacted to.

Choose your words carefully and thoughtfully, particularly when you’re upset

Do your best to keep in mind thatrepparttar 132641 person will read your post alone. You are not physically or virtually present with them to clarify what you meant, and they can’t seerepparttar 132642 kindness in your eyes. They must rely entirely on your words to interpret your meaning, intent, and tone. This is why it’s important to choose your words carefully and thoughtfully. You can still be real and honest while being selective.

Place yourself inrepparttar 132643 other person’s shoes

How might they hear your message? To avoid unnecessary conflict or a lot of hurt feelings, it helps to take into account who you’re writing to. One person might be able to hear you say it exactly how you think it, and another person would be threatened by that style of communication. Think aboutrepparttar 132644 other person when writing your email or post. Do your best to communicate in a way that is respectful, sensitive, and clear to them. People often say, to do that feels like they’re being controlled and why shouldn’t they just write itrepparttar 132645 way they want to. Of course you can write it any way you want, especially online, but if you want to communicate with this person and have them hear and understand what you’re saying, it helps to think about how they will hear it.

Use emoticons to express your tone

In online communication, visual and auditory cues are replaced by emoticons, for example, smiles, winks, and laughter. It helps to use emoticons to convey your tone. Additionally, if you likerepparttar 132646 person, tell them! Having a conflict or misunderstanding doesn’t mean you don’t likerepparttar 132647 person any more, but people often forget that reality, or don’t think to say it. It may be most needed during a tense interaction.

Start and end your post with positive, affirming, and validating statements

Say what you agree with, what you understand about how they feel, and any other positive statements atrepparttar 132648 beginning of your email. This helps set a positive tone. End on a positive note as well.

The Paradox of Online Communication Handling conflict constructively is hard atrepparttar 132649 best times, and it can be even harder online. It can take a great deal of effort, care, and thoughtfulness to address differences, tensions, and conflicts online. Paradoxically, some ofrepparttar 132650 same things that contribute to heightened conflict online can contribute to peaceful resolutions as well. The internet is an ideal place to practice communication and conflict resolution skills. Just asrepparttar 132651 absence of visual and auditory cues,repparttar 132652 anonymity, invisibility, delayed reactions, and neutralizing of status free us to say what ever negative thing we want, they can also free us to try new, and more positive communication styles and to take allrepparttar 132653 time we need to do that. As with any new technology,repparttar 132654 internet can be used to enhance our personal growth and relationships, or to alienate us from each other. It’s our choice.

Kali Munro, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist in private practice with twenty years experience. She offers free healing resources at her site,

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