Business Plans

Written by Sanjib Ahmad

Continued from page 1

I know I would be happy withrepparttar business plan templates that I could modify and add my own thoughts. I think it would be like instant soup. You have boughtrepparttar 142319 basic ingredient, but you still need to provide a little bit more like hot water and a bowl.

Though I haven't triedrepparttar 142320 collection myself it looks quite good. I think this would be useful if you are in business school, early part of your career, or even a seasoned business man venturing into new areas.

Till next week and allrepparttar 142321 best with your business planning!

Sanjib Ahmad is a Product Consultant for - Business Best Sellers. You are free to use this article in its entirety as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content, and include the resource box listed above.

So You've Decided to Hire a Freelance Copywriter - A Guide to the Collaboration Process

Written by Jenny Brown

Continued from page 1


Aah, that mysterious word that conjures up so many visions. Mostly, visions of your writer doing a whole lot of nothing. Except maybe, daydreaming. Yes, sitting around looking at pictures, reading, staring off into space, doodling on notepads, and making countless cups of coffee are part of brainstorming. But realize we're not just idly wasting time. There is a method to our madness. The actual writing isrepparttar last step ofrepparttar 142318 process. First, we need time to digest all that new information we've just crammed into our heads. Then comesrepparttar 142319 concepting, sketching and arranging until finally it all gets typed intorepparttar 142320 computer and becomesrepparttar 142321 masterpiece that is your hard hitting, engaging sales copy.

Return on Investment

Afterrepparttar 142322 first project, your writer will have a pretty sound knowledge of your business. As you continue working together, they will become expert. The benefits of sticking withrepparttar 142323 same writer are obvious. Because they have investedrepparttar 142324 research time onrepparttar 142325 first project, you can simply call them up, explainrepparttar 142326 job and rely on them to create copy that clearly speaks withrepparttar 142327 'voice' of your company. Not only that, but they will know how to present your features and benefits inrepparttar 142328 most appealing way to your audience. And most importantly, they will free up your time so you can get back to doing what you do best. The end result? More money for everyone. Happiness. And peace of mind.

Jenny Brown is a Vancouver based freelance copywriter. She helps large and small companies increase sales and look good by writing brochures, web content, sales letters, direct mail packages, ghost articles and more. Visit

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