Business Opportunity

Written by Lakshmi

Continued from page 1

Take a look atrepparttar online partner program I've opted at . Its a prepaid calling card business opportunity in USA which i found to be very good and reliable, and they have show me that this business is for real..Look out for Scams...! They provide you with everything needed to run a sucessfull online ecommerce business.

Yes, there are a few (many) other home businesses thatrepparttar 102955 "small guy" can be successful with, you just have to look forrepparttar 102956 right one for you, check them out and find out everything who is possible before getting in and pay anything to them, when thats done you should be on your way with your home business.

Have you ordered courses and business "startup" packages that deliver a lot of hype and very little inrepparttar 102957 results category,itsrepparttar 102958 same as i did..we all do that in beginning, there are a lot of free marketing tools to choose from and some very good programs who you have to buy, CHECK it out ...You will find many on internet too..

Findrepparttar 102959 perfect online business at home for you and break free fromrepparttar 102960 "rat race" and increaserepparttar 102961 amount of money and independence that you have in your life. Isn't that what everyone really wants. Of course it is...and if you can start for free with you business,even better!

Regards Lakshmi


Making On-Job-Training Work

Written by Robin Henry

Continued from page 1

Initially, new starters need to have a learning plan as part of their probation or performance agreement. The learning plan detailsrepparttar what, how, when and where ofrepparttar 102954 structured training program. It's not sufficient to simply have a learning plan and showrepparttar 102955 traineerepparttar 102956 start line; there needs to be ongoing, preferably daily task negotiation, goal setting and performance follow-up. If there isn't,repparttar 102957 direction taken may be too 'loose' to gainrepparttar 102958 high performance outcomes expected ... or indeed any outcomes ... it may simply fade out.

The learning plan will, preferably, have a checklist or diary in whichrepparttar 102959 activities to be learnt are listed and may be endorsed when each step is mastered. This lends a sense of achievement for trainees and also provides evidence to managers and supervisors that trainees have mastered their work.

Any procedures manuals or learning guides used should be up-to-date and produced in such a way that they are easily accessed and understood. (The Information Mapping methodology, based on sound instructional design technology is excellent for this type of documentation - see to learn more).

Some organisations allocate one or more of their top performers as full-time or part-time coaches. These people are then available to coach new starters as and when required. One advantage of this approach is that you can up-skill a subject matter expert in training and coaching and have some assurance that whatrepparttar 102960 coach teaches is quality practice. This is a sounder approach than just nominating someone onrepparttar 102961 line to dorepparttar 102962 coaching.

By using a structured approach to OJT you should be transferring known skills and knowledge from people who are recognised as high performers to others who inculcaterepparttar 102963 same on-job practices. From one performer you get another. It's far better forrepparttar 102964 organisation's good health and productivity to replicate good practices than to just let everything flow and hope forrepparttar 102965 best which is akin to crossing your fingers as a method of contraception!

The time to teach new staff how you want them to do your work, is as early as possible after they commence work.

Gainrepparttar 102966 Psychological Advantage

When new employees commence there is a 'honeymoon period' in which they are very enthusiastic, keen to impress and ever so willing to learn. It's all new and exciting, and perhaps a pleasant change fromrepparttar 102967 monotony of their last job.

When you include them in a structured OJT program, not only do they learn what they need to produce good work for you, but they also gain an impression of your organisation as being 'onrepparttar 102968 ball'. Doubtless they will have worked for others who have simply dumped them inrepparttar 102969 deep water and let them sink and swim. But not you. This is an encouraging experience for them that sets their motivation and direction forrepparttar 102970 rest of their time with you.

Now, what type of on-the-job-training program do you want in YOUR organisation?

Robin Henry is a human resources and development specialist and Internet marketer whose firm, Desert Wave Enterprises, helps individuals and businesses improve their performance by personal development, smart technology and smart processes. Visit DWAVE at

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